Chapter 2: KorrAsami

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Korra was nervous. She didn't know why something so minor affected her so much. It was only a date after all, she had faced worse.

Bolin and Opal had invited her and Asami on a double date. Their first date with other people.

"I really don't want to go Asami." Korra protested, sitting in the middle of their bed as Asami sorted through her clothes. "It's gonna be weird."

"Come on Korra, this is Bolin and Opal we're talking about. They're great. And besides, you know how hot you look in that blue dress I got you." Asami winked at her, holding it against her own body, letting the luxurious material fall around her waist.

Korra couldn't argue with that. Asami had wonderful taste when it came to fashion. Korra never cared about what she wore before because it didn't matter. Her Water Tribe clothes that she always wore everyday were comfortable and she never had to worry about what anyone thought. Still she persisted.

"Why can't we just be alone? I can take us out and I can do that thing with the air that you love so much." Korra suggested hopefully.

She knew how much Asami loved kissing her in the sphere that Korra created. It was heavenly. Korra came up with the idea when she saw Jinora, Ikki and Meelo zooming around on the spheres that the kids loved riding so much. It was quiet in there with no one to bother them. For a single moment in time, Korra would have Asami all to herself with no one to bother them.

Korra saw Asami hesitate momentarily as if considering her proposal, then she got that look in her eyes. The same look when Korra had blamed Asami's father of conspiring with the Equalists. Korra knew she wasn't going to get her way.

"Korra, we're half an hour late already. I love you so much and I know you love me. It''ll only be awkward if you make it." Asami gave her a sad smile. "Bolin and Opal are expecting us. Please put on the dress."

Korra relented. "Alright. For you." She huffed. She envied Asami. She was so beautiful without even trying. Asami was wearing a sleeveless slivery black and red dress that went past her knees. The colors blended so well that it was disorienting. Her hair was perfectly straightened and shiny, pulled out of the pony tail she normally wore, except for that one strand of hair that was pulled across her forehead. And her eyes. Korra loved her eyes. Her eyes were always kind.

The dress Korra was wearing blended blue and white together, her favorite colors. She didn't do anything to her hair, it was fine the way it was. She looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't see anything special. She was just her.

"I look stupid." Korra said.

Asami laughed. "No you don't."

She walked over to Korra and hugged her, putting her hands around her neck. "Now we look stupid together."

Outside the Sato mansion, there was the screeching of tires, a man's cry of "Whoa!" and a woman's shriek of "Bolin!"

Korra was confused. "What are they doing here? We were supposed to meet them at the restaurant!"

Asami smiled apologetically, "I guess we took too long."

"Heelllloooo Korrasami!" They heard Bolin's cheerful voice boom and echo in the wide halls. "Hey that sounds pretty good! I think that's what I'll call you guys from now on! Ow!"

The sound of Opal punching his arm.

Asami took Korra's face in her arms and stared deeply into her eyes. The elegant green jade meeting the luscious blue of the ocean. "Hey. We'll be fine. I'll be with you the whole time." Asami kissed her and felt Korra smile against her.

Bolin popped up into the doorway.

"What's up guys! Whoa, getting the party started already huh?" Bolin teased. "Ow! Will you stop that!"

Opal had hit him again. "Bolin! I'm sorry guys I told him not to walk up here. This is their bedroom!" She scolded.

"It's all good Opal. They don't mind." Bolin said.

"We'll be waiting outside. Come out when you're ready to go!" Opal said sheepishly. "Sorry again."

She grabbed Bolin and pulled him out of view.

Korra laughed. She didn't know what she was so worried about.

She looked at Asami.

"Well that was...weird?" Asami said. "Are you sure you still want to go.?"

Korra smiled. "What are you waiting for?" She grabbed her girlfriends arm and led her down the stairs to where Bolin and Opal were waiting.

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