Chapter 13: The Luckiest Girl

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"Hey guys, it's been a while. Things sure have changed."

Oh no. Oh no. What's he doing here? Asami's emotions were all over the place as she imagined this picture perfect moment cracking in front of her eyes. She felt Korra's grip tighten on her hands, almost squeezing the feeling from it. While Korra wasn't betraying any aggression on the outside, there was a whole lot of in on the inside and Asami definitely felt it.

I've got to calm her down. Agh! Bolin! Asami thought furiously. She knew that Opal would never have made Mako the officiant of their wedding; she had seen firsthand how even the mention of Mako's name had upset Korra that time they all went out together. That only left Bolin. He somehow must have thought it would have been a good idea for Mako to do it, especially after Bolin himself had done the same for Varrick and Zhu-Li.

That didn't matter now.

Korra was getting mad. Her eyes were narrowed and her breathing slowly became more and more audible as her heart rate quickened.

Look at me Korra! Look at me! Asami willed soundlessly. She had no idea what about Mako made Korra so mad, but she was going to calm her down.

Huh? Korra's confused voice said in response, her anger dissipating as quickly as it had appeared. Asami?

Asami nearly jumped. What the? For a second there, I thought I heard.But that's impossible. Korra's mouth didn't even move.


There it was again. A tiny voice in her head saying her name. It sounded like Korra, yet Korra wasn't even talking. Ah, what the heck, she had seen weirder things before.


Okay, what kind of trick is this? Korra's voice replied, her head slightly tilting to one side and her eyes now narrowed in suspicion.

Pffbbt. You think I know? You're the Avatar. Asami gave her an exasperated look as Korra shrugged.

Mako cleared his throat. "Excuse me, ladies. Are you ready to proceed with the ceremony?

Hell no I'm not! Korra was getting antsy now, shifting her weight from foot to foot. What's happening Asami?"

II don't know. Things like this never had made sense to Asami. Give her a broken down car engine and she would fix it in record time. Give her telepathy and she's one confused girl.

"Ladies?" Mako now seemed slightly uncomfortable.

"Let em' go!" Someone yelled from the crowd. "Look at how they're staring into each other's eyes!"

Others began to join in the outcry from the crowd.

"You gonna kiss already?!"

"Get a room, lovebirds!


"I love you Mako!"

That last one was Bolin. He sheepishly sat back down and awkwardly laughed as he put Pabu on his head so no one could see his face.

Asami had no idea why this was happening. She was going to make the most of it though. The big question was: How does it work?

Eventually, Asami just chose to think her thoughts to Korra the same way she spoke them.

Hey Korra. Korra's eyes perked up. Blink twice if you hear me. Korra's eyes fluttered and Asami's heart skipped a beat at how attractive that was. Focus Asami. She thought to herself.

Korra's eyes twinkled, as if laughing internally at some joke. Asami heard Korra's newfound giggle in her head, and she almost lost all her focus.

You sure you're up for this? Asami thought in concern.

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