Chapter 9: Old Name, New Life

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It was a new day.

The normally frigid air of the South Pole felt like being caressed by a soft pillow of coolness to Asami when on a different day it would have frozen her.

She was feeling great and she knew nothing could bring her down. She was sitting in Korra's room as her new fiancé was playing outside with the kids, penguin sliding or something like that. Asami would have gladly gone out with her, but she had some other matters to attend to first.

For one, planning out their wedding. She sat back, staring out the window at the tranquil waters. It was really going to happen. She couldn't believe it. She admired the gentle aqua of her new necklace in the mirror. Everything was just so perfect.

Right now, she was putting together the guest list for their wedding.

She felt arms wrap themselves around her neck and Korra's lips gently touching her skin. She shivered in pleasure. It never got old.

"Hey girlfriend. What you got there?" Korra said playfully.

"It's the guest list for out wedding, Korra. And we're going to be married soon. I think I'm finally done!" Asami proudly proclaimed, turning towards her with the list in hand.

"Cool. Let me see." Korra said, reaching over and grabbing the paper from her. "The Beifongs, Bolin, Opal, Tenzin, Pema, their kids, okay, cool. Kya, Bumi, Kai, Lin, wait a minute."

Asami watched as Korra's eyebrows scrunched together and she frowned.

"Asami, did you have to put Raiko on the list?" Korra complained.

"Well, yeah. I kind of did." Asami shrugged. "You know how much he would complain if he didn't get invited to the wedding of the Avatar and his most important engineer."

"Oh yeah, the mighty President. What's he ever done anyway? I guess it doesn't matter." Korra dismissed it. "Wu? You're inviting Wu?" Korra said in disbelief.

"I take that back. Wu would complain more than Raiko would if I didn't invite him." Asami said. "You know, he's always liked you." She teased.

"Haha, very funny." Korra said sarcastically.

"And we'll probably see Mako. It will be good to see him again." Asami hesitantly ventured. For some reason, any mention of Mako bugged Korra lately. Asami didn't know why.

"Great. We'll get the old Team Avatar back together again." Korra said lightly.

Huh. She looks okay. Asami wondered. I don't get it. I thought mentioning Mako's name would mess her up like it always does.

"Aw, whatever, we can worry about this stuff later." Korra said, throwing the paper back down. "Come on, there's someone I want you to meet." Korra took Asami by the hand and they walked out the door.

Asami noticed at the last second, Korra's mouth slightly tensed. So it really did bother her.

They ran together through the streets of the Southern Water Tribe until they came to an open expanse of blinding white snow.

"Korra? Where's Jinora and Ikki? Where's the kids?" Asami said in worry.

"Wait." Korra said. "Any minute now. Watch that hill." Korra pointed to a high mountain that was covered with snow.

"Yeah! Whoo-hoo!" Cries of joy suddenly rang out in the empty plains. Jinora flew off the top of the cliff and glided to a halt, stretching out her arms to let the air catch her wing suit.

Not far behind, Ikki appeared two seconds later and crashed headfirst into a pile of snow.

"Oh no! Ikki!" The three girls ran to where the girl had fallen.

"Hey guys, I'm alright!" Ikki's muffled voice replied. "Just get me out please! It's cold in here!"

They all tugged on her legs, but she wouldn't move.

"Wow, she's in there pretty tight." Asami said. "Can't you guys air bend her out?"

"No, I might just push her in their further." Korra shook her head.

"Well, we need to get her out somehow." Jinora said.

Ikki's legs started to tremble. "I'm okayI'mahahAH-CHOO!" The air propelled herself out of the snow and she landed lightly on her feet. "Wow! That was cool!" Ikki said. "Hey, where's the other girl we were with?"

"Other girl?" Korra asked looking to Jinora.

"She was right behind us. I swear she was." Jinora said, crossing her arms, her hair falling across her tattoo.

"Hello? Anybody? Jinora? Ikki? Where did you go?" A little girl's high voice barely audible voice came from the top of the mountain.

"You guys left her up there?" Asami said incredulously.

"She said she had done this before." Ikki said.

Korra shook her head. Asami watched as she used air to launch herself up to the cliff where the little girl's voice was.

"How old is she?" Asami asked the two sisters.

"Seven, I think." Ikki said.

Asami couldn't believe it. "What? Did you really take a seven-year old with you up here?"

"She said that she could do it. She said her grandma told her that she saw our grandma and grandpa do it before." Jinora said sheepishly.

Aang and Katara. Asami thought pensively.

Korra and the little girl flew down. "See, now that wasn't so bad was it?" Korra said, bending down to look her in the eye.

"No." The little girl giggled. Asami felt something in her heart awaken.

"Where's your mommy?" Asami said, taking a knee.

"I don't know." The little girl said, her big eyes starting to fill with tears. "She's gone. It's just me and gran-gran now. I don't know where she is."

Asami wanted to hug the little girl and tell her that everything would be alright. She wanted to make her happy.

"Okay. We'll take you to your gran-gran, sweet pea." Asami said, reaching out her hand to gently stroke the little girl's cheek. "What's your name?"

The girl sniffled. "Katara." She said.

Asami and Korra shared a look that said, "Really?"

"Hey wait, Katara. That's my grandma's name!" Ikki said.

"That's a very pretty name. Katara." Asami said gently. "Can I call you Tara? It'll be like our little secret." Asami said.

Katara smiled, the tears gone from her eyes. She smiled. "Okay. But you have to tell me your names first. Gran-gran said never to trust strangers."

"Tara, my name is Asami. This is Korra. It's very nice to meet you." Asami said.

"Hey there." Korra said.

"Here, you can hold my hand until we get you back home, okay?" Asami said, reaching out her own hand for the little girl to hold.

"Can I hold both of your hands?" Katara asked, reaching out for Korra's hand.

Korra looked hesitant. "Uh. Sure. No problem." Her hesitance turned to happiness at Katara's small smile.

Ikki smiled. "Aw, that's so sweet. Isn't it big sister?"

"Shh!" Jinora scolded.

They turned to go home, Katara's hands in Korra's and Asami's.

Korra turned to Asami, mouthing "Sweet pea?"

Asami shrugged and smiled.

The little girl felt safe with these two. She didn't know why, but she did.

There was something so natural about them.

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