Chapter 19: The Wife's Avatar

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Korra stubbornly shook her head.

She heard Asami laugh. "Good. Keep trying." Asami kicked opened a door and shoved Korra inside, who tumbled and instinctively somersaulted to her feet.

"Now, Korra" Asami began. She undid the top button of her jacket. "I want you. To. Hit. Me." As she said each word, she undid another button, until her jacket was fully unbuttoned, revealing her white tank top underneath. Asami shrugged off the jacket and freed her hair, letting it flow and bounce around her face. She casually flipped her hair and sank back into a fighting stance, her body slightly turned sideways and her fists raised as she shifted her weight to her back foot.

Korra was speechless. She realized that Asami wasn't wearing a bra. She couldn't tear her eyes from Asami's chest.

"Hey, Korra!" Asami's forceful tone snapped Korra out of her trance. "My eyes." Asami motioned from her chest to her eyes."Are up here."

"WhaumYeah." Korra was totally flustered. This was so weird. She found herself attracted to this Asami. It was scarily sexy in an odd way.

"What's the matter? You scared?" Asami said as she kicked off her boots. Korra couldn't believe it. Asami was taunting her. If there was one thing Korra never could stand, it was a taunt. Asami knew that.

Korra grinned. All right, well she asked for it. She assumed her fighting stance, reflecting Asami's figure. This was going to be fun. Korra knew Asami was a good fighter, she had seen her in action herself. But Asami didn't have her electric glove now. She wouldn't stand a chance.

"Any day now." Asami said, gesturing towards Korra in a "bring it on" motion.

Korra charged at Asami. I can't use bending. That would just be unfair. I'm going to have to be careful. Korra couldn't recall the last time she had to fight without her bending.

As she ran at Asami, she saw flashes of her in her mind. A smile. Kind green eyes. A kiss. Korra relented. I can't hurt her. She halfheartedly threw a punch, not fully wanting to hurt the love of her life.

Asami easily dodged it. "Come on, Korra! What was that? I know you're better than that!"


"Well if you won't" Asami said. She dashed like lightning towards Korra. Suddenly, she was right up close to her. "Then I will."

Out of the corner of her eye, Korra saw Asami's leg coming towards her. She barely parried it in time with her palm. Ow. That hurt. And Asami's not even wearing any shoes!

"Well, if you're serious. Don't say I didn't warn you!" Korra finally let loose and fought back. She tackled Asami who let out a little shriek of surprise, and they fell to the floor together. She struggled to pin Asami, their limbs twisting and turning as each groaned with the effort, neither gaining the upper hand for the longest time.

Then Korra saw an opening and she made her move. She grabbed Asami's hand and pinned it the ground on one side. Gasping, she grabbed Asami's other hand and pinned it to the other side. Asami was helpless. Now to finish it. She swiftly moved and sat on Asami's stomach in satisfaction, both of them breathing hard in exertion.

Korra smiled at Asami. "I win."

Asami lay there, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. She smiled grudgingly. "I guess you did. Let me up."

Korra obliged. As soon as she moved her weight from Asami's body, she felt her world go sideways. She shouted. She felt Asami's arm wrap around her midsection and forcefully, but gently push her to the ground. Asami wrapped her legs around Korra's stomach and pushed Korra's hands to the ground, mirroring what Korra had done two seconds before, only Asami's face was extremely close to Korra's.

Asami smiled, her hair sticking to her face as sweat rolled down her cheeks. "Look's like I win."

Suddenly, she was under Asami. She struggled against Asami's iron hard grip, kicking her legs and wiggling around, but to no avail.

"Good luck getting out Korra. Engineer's grip. You get it after working around machines all your life, pretty much like I have." Asami smiled, and the old Asami was back again, her gentle tone without the harshness.

Korra stopped moving. She'd forgotten just how good Asami was. She had also never felt more attracted to Asami than in that moment. "Ugh, just kiss me already." Their lips met like that, Asami atop of Korra.

What happened? She wondered as her eyes slowly closed in pleasure as they pressed against each other harder than she remembered.

She eagerly tore off Asami's tank top, and Asami ripped off her shirt in equal passion, never pausing in their hunger for each other.

Asami pulled out of the kiss just long enough to whisper to her. "That's called role-play Korra."

Oh. Korra thought as Asami slid down to her pants, kissing every inch of her stomach to go even further. She watched as Asami pulled down her pants and playfully teased her, before pulling away her panties and throwing them somewhere.

She felt Asami work her magic, alternating between her tongue and her fingers as she expertly pleasured the Avatar, Korra shivering in delight. Amazing. She was helpless before the will of Asami.

"OH!" Korra's body violently shivered as she felt the joy pulsate throughout her entire body, and building up to the base of her neck.

She was in another world, and it wasn't the spirit world. Asami had sent Korra to another world for the two of them, if only for this moment.

Just the two of us. Korra thought, her body still trembling at the power of it all as Asami gently kissed Korra's stomach.

Sounds perfect.

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