Chapter 16: The Baby

Start from the beginning

"Whoa whoa whoa, what?" Korra began, until Asami cut her off.

"Uh, that sounds nice. Hey, Bolin do you think I could talk to you for a minute?" Asami asked, trying not to offend either of them.

"Sure." Bolin marched after Asami, Rohan still on his shoulders.


"Oh, right." He reached up and set Rohan on the marble floor. "Now, Rohan, I'm going to leave you with Korra for a little while. Show her what you can do." He winked at the small child whose eyes lit up as he grinned impishly.

Asami looked at Korra with a worried look, but felt better as Korra flashed her a thumbs-up and a wide smile.

Asami led Bolin to the kitchen and she walked to the window, staring at the blue sky as Bolin rambled about Rohan.

"Isn't he just the cutest thing you've ever seen? I remember when he was just a teeny-tot and I was changing his diapers. Iooh." Bolin stopped when he saw Asami's steely gaze and her crossed arms. "What's the matter? Okay, I know I should have told you guys, but I had nowhere else to go! I saw him, okay! And I thought that it would be good practice foryou knowwhen, I mean if, Opal and I were toumhahaAre you mad?" The innocent earth bender trailed off as his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink.

"Okay, I think I get it now." Asami said, her finger on her chin in her usual "thinking" position. "That's pretty sweet, Bolin." She smiled. "There's just one thing I don't get. Why'd you bring Rohan here?"

Bolin stammered through his words, very un-Bolin like. "Iuhkinda thought that you guys could help me? It's a lot harder than I thought it would be."

Help him? How can we help him? Asami thought, staring at Bolin, who was uncharacteristically shy before her.

"Bolin, I'd like to help, but me and Korra were just about to leave for our honeymoon. And besides, neither of us have had kids before. I don't really know if" Asami was cut off by the sound of the crackling of the radio. She always had one in every room in case of emergencies.

"Asami? Asami, are you there?" Tenzin's worried voice came across the static. "It's Rohan. He's missing. I don't know where he's gone."

Asami faced Bolin incredulously. "No. Bolin. Don't tell me you didn't tell them?"

Bolin backed away slowly, drawing his finger across his throat. "I'm NOT here." He whispered furiously, as if Tenzin could hear him.

"I have to tell him Bolin. He and Pema are probably worried sick."

Bolin sighed and hung his head in defeat. "I know."

As Asami told Tenzin exactly where Rohan was, his worry shifted to anger at Bolin for his foolishness, but quickly shifted to content.

"I just wanted to know where he was. Thank you Asami." Tenzin sounded better, and he sighed in relief. "Is Bolin there?"

Asami looked at Bolin who quickly shook his head and waved his hands in front of himself defensively.

"He was here. But I told him that he should take Rohan home."

"Thank you again, Asami. I appreciate it. I'll deal with Bolin later." Tenzin left the radio and Bolin let out a deep breathe.

Asami put the radio aside and turned to face Bolin again. He had thrust himself to his knees and was dramatically kneeling before her. "Thank you, Miss Sato! I love you so much for doing that for me! Anything you want, it shall be yours1" He theatrically pointed at Asami with his head bowed.

Asami smiled. Same old Bolin. He never changed. "Thanks Bolin, but I'm good. And I'm with Korra right now anyway." It felt good to say that.

"Speaking of Korra, they've been REALLY quiet." Bolin said, still on his knees.

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