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Third person POV.

Over the next 2 weeks life for Eddie has been crazy with the squad class, moving to his new house after Matt said that everything is great and nothing needed to be fixed, but the best thing about the two weeks is Chris coming home. It was arranged by the CFD for Buck and Eddie to take a weekend off to fly to L.A to pick up Chris and say goodbye to everyone properly. Bobby was holding his 118 bbq, what Eddie didn't know until I got to the airport with Buck was they were not going alone, no Kelly, Matt and Shay organised for the Hermans  to look after the kids so Kelly can see Maddie again. Eddie wanted Sylvie to come but being the amazing person that she said no it will be too much for Chris and didn't want to overwhelm him they will meet when he gets to chicago. Bucks big surprise was when Jay got Hank to look after the twins for the weekend. Jay wanted to see Maddie again and it will be the only time off he will have with Buck this week. You could tell Jay was nervous though.

Evans POV:

Once we were all aboard the plane I was seated next to Jay which I was happy about. I could tell Jay was nervous though.

"It's your first time leaving the twins isn't it?" I asked, knowing that look on Jay's face.

He nods then says."I haven't left Chicago since they were born, they've spent nights away before but I have always been a phone call away." He explained and I nod  then take his hand.

"It'll be okay, they are with Hank, everything will be okay." I say trying to reassure him.

"I know it's just hard." He says, I nod, I can't imagine what it must be like for him.

I still haven't met Lexie and Noah yet our schedules just wouldn't have it these past two weeks so I ask. "When we get back, if you want, before we go back to work do you want me to meet the kids?"

He has a bright smile on his face at that thought and nods "I'd love that! I've been telling them about you." Jay says and I'm shocked

"What have you been saying?" I ask.

"Well I've been saying that daddy has a friend from a long time ago that left for a bit but is back now, and he means so much to me." Jay explains

"Awe, thank you. I appreciate that." I tell him

"Well, I'm not going into the whole sexuality conversation with two year olds so I thought this would work." He says and we both chuckle.

"True enough, and it's fine!" I tell him as he leans over and kisses me, tenderly.

"What's that for?"  I ask

"Because I haven't got a chance to kiss you in the last day and a half so I need to kiss you now." He tells me and I smile then say. "I love you Jay."

"I love you Ev." He says right back to me.

Just then Kelly, who's sitting in the row beside us looks at us and says. "You guys are too cute," I roll my eyes at my brother and Jay blushes.

"Thanks, so Shay, why didn't Emma come?" I ask to try to get the attention off Jay and I, shay pokes her head around from the seats in front of us where she's sitting next to Eddie.

"She had to work, she had a bunch of babies due this weekend so she had to stay behind. I guess that's what I get for marrying one of the best OB GYNS in Chicago." Shay says with a sigh.

"I'm sorry, that must suck." I say and she nods, then goes to sit back properly in her seat.

"So I was thinking." Jay says as everyone goes back to their own conversations. "Why don't we start looking into moving in together? I'm in the market for a new place anyways as I want a yard for Noah and Lexie, so what do you think? We look at places together?" He says with a shy smile. "I'd love to." I simply say and he smiles, then says. "Really? I figured I was moving too fast." Jay says. "Nope, we already agreed on just picking up where we left off so I think this is long overdue but if the twins don't agree then we hold off I'm not going to come between the 3 of you." I explained.

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