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A/N; rewritten July 17 2023

Evan Buckley Severide keeps things close to the vest, always has. The only one who knows he has an older brother and a younger sister, as well as a life before the 118 is Eddie and maddie of course.
The rest of the 118 think he was a bartender and did odd jobs before joining the LAFD. he did odd jobs and bartend but he was also with the CFD since he was 21. He's a lieutenant technically in the fire department. He decided to come to LA and be with Maddie for a bit, after their father Benny died and Evan and the love of his life split. But now Bucks contract is coming to a close with the LAFD and he's thinking of returning home.

Evans POV:

We are just getting back to 118 when I get a call from my old fire Commissioner and godfather Karl Grissom.

"Hey Griss, what's up?" I ask, thinking this is just a check in like he normally does every couple weeks.

"Hey Evan, listen I have an offer that you won't be able to refuse." he says and I'm intrigued as my contract is about up here with the 118 and I'd love to go back to Chicago.

"Okay, you have my attention." I told him.

"I want you to run a second squad rig out of 51, Squad 9 will be yours and I want Eddie Diaz to come with you and work under you on Squad 9. He will go to the academy to get certified and work on Squad 9 as he's doing it, as the class will only take a week because he's done so much stuff like the squad does, there in L.A" Grissom says.

I'm shocked, this is what I've been waiting for. I took my lieutenants exam three years ago and could have been placed at any house in Chicago but I wanted a squad at 51, back then there was talk about second rigs joining some houses, but it was just in the starting process, there was to much red tape to go through, so I didn't think it would happen honestly.
Also Grissom wanting to recruit Eddie, isn't that surprising Eddie is an amazing firefighter, and I'd be lucky to have him on my crew.

"Really? Okay, let me talk to Eddie and I'll let you know on that but I'll take the offer,
when do you want me to be back in Chicago?" I ask.
"I want you and Diaz here in two days, also from what you've told me about this man and reading his file. I really want him in Chicago, so if he wants he can have a one shift trial basis, if that will help make up his mind." Grissom says

"Okay I'll let him know." I say, then we hang up and I go to find Eddie.

I find him in the locker room as shift is about over so I sit on the bench by the lockers, "So I have something I need to talk to you about, think we could grab breakfast?" I say and ask.

"Yea sure, everything okay?" Eddie asks, concerned.

"Yea, it is actually." I say happily.
He gives me an odd look but nods,

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