First dates

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A/N i do not know anything about baseball so i did a little research then made up the rest about wrigley's field 1914s club.

Sorry to the baseball fans out there if I got it too wrong...

Child abonnement mentioned.

Eddies POV:

Coming back to Even's apartment after my first successful shift at 51 I decided to have a quick shower grab some food then call everyone in L.A the guys on 9 are amazing and I can see myself becoming part of the 51 family.

My first call will be to Bobby he alway knows what to say when I need it.

"Hi, Eddie, how's it going in the Windy City?" Bobby asks.

I sigh and say. "It's going better than I expected." I say as I rub a hand over my face.

"So why's that a bad thing?" Bobby asks, I love how he can read me so well.

"Because now I have to figure everything out all over again in a new city and uproot Chris, yet again." I told him.

"First off, I'm sure you will figure everything out, you always do and you have Evan. Also uprooting Chris again, I get that it can be a little scary, for both of you but I'm sure he will be fine." Bobby says and I know he's right.

"Thanks Bobby you're right."  I told him.

"You just gotta embrace this new journey, and be thankful for the opportunity." Bobby says. Which again he's right.

"Okay, I will thank you Bobby. I gotta go though I gotta call Chris and Carla before he goes to school." I tell Bobby.

"Okay, this change will be good for the both of you, I just know it." Bobby says, and then we hang up.

I call Carla and she answers with a. "So when do I bring Chris to Chicago?"

"As soon as I find a place for us, unless bucks okay with Chris staying here with him, I'll talk to buck about it. Thanks by the way, for everything." I tell Carla
"No problem, anytime, just let me know when you want me to bring Chris down and I can pack up your stuff and have it shipped to you if you want?" Carla asks

"Okay, that would be great, thank you." I say just then ask to speak to Chris.

She puts Chris on the phone. "Hey dad." He says.

"Hey bud, how are you?" I ask

"Good, so are we moving ?" chris asks

"Yea bud we are, is that okay?" I asked the 7 year old.
"Yes that's fine, I was looking online after my homework yesterday and Chicago looks really cool. Could we go see some sports games when I get there? Did you know it also snows? That's going to be so much fun." Chris is listing off so much stuff it reminds me of Buck I think drifting off to his voice. " Ok dad Carla says it's time to go to school, I love you dad." Chris says and I sigh and say "okay I love you too,  talk to you later."

After I get off the phone with Chris, I get ready for the day with Sylvie, then I head out to the kitchen where Buck is eating breakfast.

"Hey." he says, noticing me coming into the room.

"Hey, how do I look?" I asked

"Good." he says with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm spending the day looking at places with Sylvie, then we are going for dinner." I told him.

"Oh, so that's why you're acting like a nervous teenager." Buck says with a chuckle.

"I haven't dated in a while, and I'm nervous." I explain

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