first day back at 51

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A/N rewrote on july 18th/2023

hope you all enjoy let me know what you think of the rewrite!

Evans POV:

Once Eddie and I are back at my new apartment, he asks "So are you going to tell me who this guy that you ditched me for, and then kissed you is?" Eddie asks as I hand him a beer, thankful that Kelly had stocked the fridge for me.

I sigh and gesture for him to follow me to the couch. "It's a long story." I tell him, he raises an eyebrow at me as in saying "tell me anyways." So I do.

"Jay and I grew up around the corner from each other, his older brother Will is Maddie age and they were best friends, Jay and I were best friends.'' I say smiling remembering all the shit we got into as kids.

"Well when we got to high school we started developing feelings for each other, so one day we explored those feelings, we dated unbeknownst to most people beside his brother, and Kelly as well as Maddie. We dated up until he left for the army a year after I graduated high school, as he's two years older than I am, which means he left at the age of 19. We kept in touch while he was in the rangers for the first 7 years then, 6 years ago he came home on leave, we had some nights together but he left to go back a week after he got home, and I couldn't take the not knowing when he was or if he was coming back so I cut off communication with him. It didn't help that two weeks after he left dad died and I couldn't get a hold of Jay and I was spiraling and needed him. So I left to go to LA and here we are. I was 24 when I ended things and he was 26. and now here we are.'' I told Eddie, the cliff notes version of mine and Jay's history, barely touching on it really. Hoping he doesn't hold it against me that I couldn't be there for Jay.

"Come on, it's a big day tomorrow, let's go to bed.." I say not wanting to face Eddie's disappointment in me. I feel like I did the same as Shannon, the only difference was Jay was still gone.

"How long was Jay gone for?" Eddie asks as we take our beer bottles to the kitchen.

"He was gone for 6 and a half years that we were together for, I don't know when he got back so I don't know how long he was over there after I left.'' I explained.

Eddie nods then says "you know I understand right, I get it, being with someone in the army is hard, Shannon probably would have left sooner than she did if it wasn't for Chris.'' Eddie says and I sigh, scrubbing a hand over my face. "Thanks, I appreciate that, but I know now, especially hearing from you some of what you encountered over there, that what I did was shity, and I should have been there for him. It'll always be one of my biggest regrets.'' I told Eddie.

"You still love him don't you?" Eddie simply asks, I sigh heavily and nod. I do, I love Jay so much and after the kiss tonight it's left me more confused than ever.

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