ch 18 Breeze

785 51 5

Zhan's pov

Village was what one need when he get tired of city life.
And this was Yibos ... village.
Where he was bought up during his early days..
Scenery is breath-taking.
"So,GeGe are you enjoying?"
Yibo enquired.

"Yes...i am...
This is beautiful..."
I told him.

And I was looking at him.

He infront of the green views..
His white face with rosy lips..
His innocent smile..
His sparkly eyes which was the stage for all his emotions in his heart to play..

He is beautiful.!!!!

And I know,
I am irresistibly in love with him.
And he dont know..

Yibo don't know.

"Let us  hike"
Yibo said.

And i was in confusion.
I thought he hates outdoors..

He looked at me and saw the confusion..

He smiled..
Not that creepy.. "away from me" smile

But, "i am cute let all hug me" kindaa smile.

Stop it zhan!
What are you thinking??
Cute ways to describe a smile?

A smile??????
I snapped me inside my head.

And yibo caught my hand and started walking.

I could feel the cool breeze from the nearby stream

I could hear the birds singing
And our steps..
Entire world magnified and my senses too.

Then it focused on his touch..
Only his touch.

My hairs are standing right.
My gut is singing a song
I felt aroused with a touch.

What the hell is happening??

This is not what love with Linger was like.

This is entirely different.
I felt like , he is the only one that matters.
He is what connect me to the world.

If he is not in the world, then my heart will stop.
That is what i am feeling now.

And this was new to me..

"At last ,we arrived"

"Sweety , when will you stop dreaming?
"Yibo to Zhan.... Zhan back to earth...toooo earth.."


I smiled at him and looked infront of me.
We could see his entire village from the point where we are standing.

He wanted me to show his village and how i going to tell him all i need is to see him every morning when i wake??

Zhan smiled at me.
His smile was brilliant.
Like a cool breeze in hot summer.

He was smiling so big.

Like this was awesome...

And when am i going to tell him i only wanted to see his smile, not anything else in my entire life??

Struggle of Hearts 💚💔❤ ( #Yizhan/ #Zhanyi FanFic) COMPLETE. ✔Where stories live. Discover now