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Linger smiled.
An angel is smiling is what Yibo thought. She is beautiful.The makeup she applied tenfolded her appearance.

"Audition is up"
Assistant director called out to all the aspirants in the big hall.

"The legend of fox emperor is a series which focus on a kingdom ruled by a man who is actually a cultivator who in turns to a fox because of a curse. The heroin is already chosen, and the audition is for first hero , second hero and villains." Assistant told to the gathering.

"We will give all of you, scripts you need to act.Remeber you got two chances for each role.Now, move....."

Director who was watching everything shouted.

Yibo knows he is nervous,  His face turned cold. His breathing became worse and his hand is sweating..
His number is 85!!!!...
Of course, there is still time to practice but the problem is he can't express anything.
He started into the mirror in th make up room...

Zhans prov

I look forward for the audition of Yibo's and Linger told me he is still in make up room.

Why is he taking this much time??Even I am getting worried now.
Should I be checking on him was all I could think of...

I turned towards the make up room and opened it......and it is empty!!

Where the hell is he???


*Yibo's prov*

I am outside the building..I left the audition .I can't do this. I can't is all I could think. I am a dancer not an actor.
I am a sports men not a stunt men.
Why did I choose this audition??

My head is dizzy. All I could see is world turning yellow and upside down.

A cool but strong hand held my head so that it didn't hit the ground.
Then I smelled cherry blossom.


You oky??
I could see everything clearly.
Linger is leaning towards me and checking my temperature .
Zhan is talking to someone who looks like a nurse.

"You haven't eaten?? And you kept it quiet "
Zhans eyes are now small.
I could feel his anger from my bed.

In the tension and pressure I forgot to take my food.

Zhan sat near the bed still waiting for the answer.
I felt the warmth of his care and love..
Not love...
Only care...

I closed my eyes...


Zhans prov

I don't know why I am angry.
I don't know why I feel sad.
I don't know why I feel alone.

I am outside the room where Yibo's resting.Linger left for the audition practice.

I only know I don't want to see yibo in pain or being sick.

My heart is throwing a fit

I returned and saw yibo is awake..

I took the mild soup and started feeding him.
He is silent.
I don't want to interrupt his thoughts. Or this moment.

Someone took the spoon from me and started feeding him.
Without looking I know who it was, as cherry blossom were always lingers favorite...

"I will help you with audition. After finishing your food we are going to practice scripts.
We will start with first hero then move to main villian. "

Linger smiled her angelic smile..

"Why main parts??... it will be better if I could practice support characters " Yibo replied in confusion.

"Because I know you are capable of playing main character "

Linger replied in the voice she used while breaking up with me.

The voice which shows her authority and affirmation. Like she knows this is what he needs.

Struggle of Hearts 💚💔❤ ( #Yizhan/ #Zhanyi FanFic) COMPLETE. ✔Where stories live. Discover now