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Zhan's pov

Journey was beautiful

I want to say that but, we traveled at night and what we had seen is stars..stars and more stars.
Yibo was sleeping next to me like a puppy 🐶.

Or like a lion cub.
His headphones connected to his phone was still playing some song.
I was wondering what is the song he is listening now.

I was overwhelmed with an urge to snatch it and hear the song.

Without making sudden movements,  I took his earphones and listened.

It was our song. 🎵🎶🎵
The song we sang together
Phone was in repeat mode and he is listening to the song for like what...1 hour???
Life is becoming more complicated is what I thought...

I was hit with heavy headache.
A pain which made my stomach feel all the way upset..
I want to vomit..
I stood up and walked towards rest room.

Cool water  made my dizziness move away..
I need some green tea but I forgot to bring it and now I regret my laziness.

Maybe I should sleep.
A good sleep is a medicine.

With heavy head and aching stomach, I sat on the couch.

"Drink this" and Yibo was watching me with a flask filled with my favorite green tea..

Life is turning okay but I am afraid to dream..
To dram about becoming happy and falling in love.

Yibo's prov
Zhan fell asleep after drinking green tea and I am here sitting near him.

I feel comfortable with him near me.
Now the night is not frightening but beautiful with stars.

I have never been a night person, but today the night is like a curtain in a banquet with stars as decorations..
Stars are beautiful in the darkness ✨ of life...
What am I thinking??

Stars are beautiful  in the darkness of night not life..

I think I am becoming the emperor I am playing.

The emperor who is a cultivator, a poet and a fighter.
I am looking forward to the drama..
But I don't know how can I leave zhan and be with his girlfriend in the set.

It feels awful.

It hurts seeing the smile on Linger's face and her confidence about Zhan being hers...

I looked at his face, calm beautiful face...

It made my life brighter ✨
Brighter stars

Struggle of Hearts 💚💔❤ ( #Yizhan/ #Zhanyi FanFic) COMPLETE. ✔Where stories live. Discover now