Chapter 3: In Perfect Harmony

Start from the beginning

"Aw, that's so cute!" Opal had gushed to her mother Su-yin Beifong who simply was staring dumb-foundedly.

"Haha! I told you Asami liked Korra!" Ikki said to her big sister Jinora who had a huge smiler on her face. "Shh! They're having a moment! Everyone be quiet!" Meelo, the baby brother, interrupted the two.

"Well that's just the perfect ending now isn't it Mako?" Bolin had crossed his arms in satisfaction and looked for his older brother. "Mako?" Mako was gone. He just disappeared.

Asami hadn't seen him since. She missed her old friend and hoped one day he would understand.

Korra tensed.

Oh, no. Asami thought. Why did you have to mention him? She could feel Korra's heartbeat quicken and her blood beginning to boil.

Asami reached under the table for Korra's hand and grabbed it, rubbing the spaces between her fingers, then back again. It alway seemed to calm her.

It worked. Thank God. She could feel Korra exhaling slowly as her anger slowly fell away.

"He's fine." Korra said sharply.

"Oh. Well that's great then!" Opal said, realizing she had touched on a sore subject. "Hey Asami, invented anything cool lately?

Asami internally thanked Opal. She was glad there was something to distract her.

The rest of the dinner carried on peacefully. When it was time to leave, Bolin refused to let anyone else pay then realized he had no money. Opal had shook her head and paid the bill herself.

Opal and Bolin started heading home.

"Well, we're alone now, where to? Maybe now we can finally have some alone time." Korra seductively suggested as she jauntily marched down the street.

"Korra, wait." Asami said. "Don't you want to talk about it?

"Talk about what?" Korra challenged. "There's nothing to talk about."

Asami realized she wasn't going to get anywhere with her.

"Fine then. Let's go, I want to take you somewhere." Asami gave in.

Asami now watched Korra. She seemed peaceful enough, laughing at all the right moments and clapping at the right moments. Something was wrong though. Asami could always tell with Korra.

Asami took her hand and said, "Come with me."

Korra hadn't refused.

They stood alone at the edge of a dock as the calming light of the moon shyly peaked it's head out from beneath the silvery wisps of clouds.

Asami let go of Korra's hand and looked deep in to her eyes. The eyes were the window to the soul and Asami knew something wasn't right. She was still battling her inner demons.

"What's wrong Korra?" Asami asked.

"It's nothing, just let it go." Korra stubbornly said.

Asami took Korra's right hand and placed it on her left hip.

"Asami? What are you doing?"

"Shh." She whispered.

She took Korra's other hand and placed it in her right hand and extended her arm up. She gently placed her left hand on Korra's hip and softly said, "Dance with me."

"Dance? Asami? I don't even know how to.."

God, she was so stubborn. Asami thought.

"Shh!" This time she whispered louder, putting one finger on Korra's lips.

She began to move, slowly twisting her feet and guiding Korra every step of the way. Korra was like a small child, tentatively following the example of the much more experienced Asami. Eventually, her leg crossed Korra's though, as she mistimed it, and they tripped, falling over the deck to land on the white sand. Asami landing on top of Korra.

Korra laughed. It was such an incredibly pure sound. Asami knew she would never tire of it.

"Well, look at our beautiful clothes now, stupid." Korra playfully teased. "It's all dirty."

"It's not the clothes that make you beautiful," Asami assured her, tapping her finger on Korra's nose then up to her forehead. She struggled to get up and fell on her again.

"It looks like we may be stuck Avatar Korra. It seems I can't get up." Asami giggled.

Asami felt air envelope her as Korra created a perfect sphere. All the noise from the busy place that was Republic City shut off. The only thing that mattered was Korra. She could stare at that face forever.

"We still have a dance to finish."

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