To love is...

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The morning twilight heralded an overcast day.
It was six o'clock, and she still hadn't been able to sleep.

The day before, she had made a very important decision, telling her best friend that she was in love with him and proposing a date.
Such commonplace things shouldn't occupy her thoughts, since she always defended the thesis that life is nothing but a great representation, maybe a farce, where we always play the role of our conveniences.

Therefore, she wondered if her insomnia came from having to admit what she considered to be such a stupid and artificial feeling, or if it was due to the possibility of being reciprocated and having to enact a character whose performance she had not rehearsed.

To make matters worse, her friend asked for time to respond, and this distressed her more than the decision to declare himself.

Tousled hair, slippers, and pajamas led her to the kitchen, where she made a full-bodied coffee, forgetting that it would take her further away from the comfort of her bed.
With just one gulp, she didn't even notice the unique aroma that the steaming coffee gave off through the house.

She went into the living room, grabbed two pillows, settled herself on the soft sofa, turned on the TV and tried to pay attention to the news on the news.
The “weather woman” confirms what she had already seen through her bedroom window: cloudy with thunderstorms during the period.
Indolence and rainy weather – is this beautiful combination a harbinger of a good prognosis?

The first drops of rain whispered over the leaves scattered in the yard, a percussion of whining and discontent.
Is this love?  Uncertainty, restlessness, despair?
This will probably end when he gives her the long-awaited answer... However, while the desired yes doesn't come to visit her, the day eats the hours by the edge and drags on in an endless hesitation, as if to spare her the moment of the decision to be heard.

Her thoughts are no longer yours:
How many no's have been said and heard without the world falling apart?
And why would that happen right now and right to her if she took no for an answer?
How much agony for something so insignificant...
How much submission to the imponderable...

The answer that each one expects is the answer that each one has already given or heard...

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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