Chapter 9

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Katniss POV.

I open my eyes and for the first time in forever I don't feel numb. I still don't understand how can someone make you feel so alive with just a simple gesture like a smile. I can feel Peeta's arm around me, irradiating warmth all over my body.
I turn around, he is still sleeping. I don't want to wake him up so I slowly get up, making very litle noise. But I was unsuccessfull since Peeta started stirring and his blue eyes fluttered open.
At first he looks around, disorientated, but then looks at me.
"Hey" he says with a raspy morning voice.
"Hey." I say quietly.
I'm not shure what more to say. It feels foreign to be with Peeta again. but at the same time it gives me this warm feeling inside of me. He makes me feel alive. That life can still go on.
I notice I lost myself in though and Peeta is looking at me with a slight smile, though he didn't seem to be expecting l for me to say anything. Suddenly I remember.
"The primroses." I yell and with that I run out the door to nurture the primroses in my front yard, for no particular reason.
I reach my front yard and kneel beside them. I look at the flowers that gave my litle sister a name and for the first time I don't feel sad, or broken looking at them. Because they remind me of her, They're a small piece of Prim that lives on, just like Buttercup. A smile grows in the corner of my lips, making me feel lighter.
I water and weed the Primroses. When I'm almost done when someone sits beside me.
"Hey again." Peeta says casually.
He smells like freshly baker bread and grass. I'm very found of that smell. It makes me smile.
"Hey." I say a litle more enthusiasticly than the last time.
"What you up to?" He asks.
"Nothing, just taking care of the primroses." I answer.
"The deal still stands?" He asks with his piercing blue eyes staring straight at me. How I love those eyes. They bring me so many memories, both good and bad ones. I try to avoid the bad ones.
"Yes, as long as you are also up to it."
"Of course. I don't think I'd be able to do this without you, anyways." I smile at his last comment. He needs me, someone needs me. And I need him.
"Good." I say. since when am I so optimistic? I really don't know. I month ago I didn't even leave my bed.
"You hungry? I brought you a sandwich." Peeta says taking the Sandwich from his pocket and handing it to me.
"Thank you."
I eat it slowly taking small bites, Peeta doesn't stop staring at me with a small cute smile. I smile back.
It really feels good to have Peeta back.
We stare at each other for a long time. Not that we have anything better to do. Just sitting in the grass, staring at each others eyes. His are brigth blue, like the sky. I remember when we were in thirteen, his were pitch black, completely empty. the only thing you could see in them was pain and anger. Anger not towards me, towards nothing actually, just simple pure unexplainable anger. Now you can still see pain in them, but also other feelings like hope, hapiness and love. the love Peeta's eyes always had when he looked at me, how can I have never noticed that?
"What are you two doing?"
I turn my head around to see Haymitch walking towards us with his geese following him behind.
Peeta still seems dazed staring at me, as if he didn't hear anything, Maybe he didn't.
"Nothing." I answer calmly.
"I can see that." Haymitch responds.
"How you doing sweetheart?" Haymitch asks. he doesn't seem very drunk, just a litle.
"Fine, I guess."
"How about you boy?"
Peeta doesn't answer, just keeps staring at me with a blank expression. Is he even thinking at all. It looks like his mind is completely empty.
Both me and Haymitch wait for him to do something. he doesn't even blink.
Until he says "Good morning, Haymitch."
He is acting as if he hasnt freezed for five minutes.
He seems fine and kind of relaxed só both me and Haymitch just ignore it.
"We just finished weeding the primroses." Peeta says.
"Oh, good for you two. You desserve it. Having flowers in your garden and all that stuff." Haymitch says.
I cock my eyebrow. "Jealous much?" I ask.
Peeta follows me and crosses his arms over his chest, mimicking my expression.
"No, no, no. Of course not." Haymitch says uncertainly and leaves back home.
"That was weird." Peeta says.
Suddenly I feel like going hunting. O haven't done that in forever and I'm feeling like it.
I stand up.
"Where are you going?" Peera asks me.
"I'm going hunting. do you want to come?"
"No, I think I'll stay. I have to tidy my place a litle. some cleaning is extremily necessary right now." he says standing up.
"Okay, see you later, than."
And with out even thinking I pull him in a tigh hug.
"Bye" I whisper and make my way to the woods.

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