Chapter 18: Cheater, Cheater

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A/N: I'm Soooo Excited For This Chapter!!!
Draco P.O.V
'Finally! The Mission Is Over! Now All The Death Eaters Are now Rounded Up!' I think to myself as I walk into The 3 Broomsticks. It's been 1 month since me and Hermione have been official and since she decided to take a little nap, I thought I should bring her some butterbeer.

As I wait for the drinks I look around to see that they're is no one in here except me. They're are always people at The 3 Broomsticks! 'Weird...'  I hear giggling. From the corner of my eye I see movement.

I look and what I see makes my blood boil. Hermione is sitting in Cormac Mclaggen's lap, making out with him! I storm out of the shop, slamming the door behind me.
Hermione P.O.V
I start pacing in the kitchen. Draco has been gone for 3 hours. He left a note saying he'll be back with lunch, but it's been a while.

I finally hear the door open and Draco comes in. I run and fling my arms around him. "Where the hell were you! I've been worried sick!" I mutter into his shoulder. "Oh shut up!" He screams pushing me away. "W-what?..." I mutter.

He gives me a glare that looks a lot like Lucius Malfoy. I slowly take a step back. "You cheater! You think I wouldn't find out?!" He screams. His face turning red. He storms into our room and levitates my luggage. He opens the apartment door and throws it into the hall.

"What are you doing!? I didn't cheat on you! Will you at least tell me what happened?" I ask, my eyes filled with tears. Before I know it, he grabs my wrist and throws me out of our-his apartment. Before I can respond, he slams the door shut, leaving me sobbing.
Draco P.O.V
After an hour, I decide to go on a walk even though I'm still fuming. As I walk around, I hear taking from a dark alley. "...Mudblood... Cheat... Draco... Plan..." I stop in my tracks. I slowly make my way to the voices. I stay in the shadows so they don't hear me.

I see Astoria and Cormac. "Wasnt the plan so easy! All I did was 'bump' into Granger yesterday and took a strand of her hair. Then, I made some Polyjuice Potion. Don't worry, I'm sure Draco thought I was Granger when we were making out in The 3 Broomsticks. And don't worry, soon... Draco will be all mine, and you can have the mudblood." Astoria says with a cruel smirk. "A-alright... But I still feel really bad for Hermione..." Mclaggen says hesitantly.

My eyes widen as I realize what happened. I quickly run out of the alley and appart to Harry's house. 'Ive got to find Hermione!'
A/N: Sorry The Chapter Was Short! I Just Wanted To End It On A Cliffhanger ;) Next Chap Will Be Posted Tomorrow!

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