Chapter 3: Hermiones Friends

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A/N: Let's Get Straight Into It!
Hermione P.O.V
After the meeting at the Ministry, I went straight to the burrow because I knew Harry, Ron and Gin would be they're.

When I got out of the floo place, the first thing I saw was Molly Weasley cooking lunch. "Hello Hermione dear! How are you?" She asks in her motherly voice. "Well, now since I've smelled your cooking, I'm feeling much better." I say smiling. "Daling! Please, your making me blush!" Molly says with a laugh. I laugh as well.

"Well, I bet your here to see your gang, they are upstairs!" She says. I say a quick 'Thank You' and run upstairs. "Ron, relax!" I hear Ginnys voice come from Harry and Ron's room. "No I am not going to relax! How am I supposed to relax when my younger sister, and my best friend are making out in my room!" I hear Ron scream. "It is our room to be fair..." I hear Harry mutter.

Before Ron can say anything else, I casually stroll into the room and say "Well, they are engaged, so it makes sense. Plus Harry's got a point they're!" And quickly take a seat on the bed. "Hermione!" They all shout. I laugh.

Harry mouths a quick 'Thank You' to me, and I nod back. Ron, seeing this, quickly said "Don't think I forgot about this" as he points to Harry and Ginny. "Anyways... How was the meeting today! We all have been dying to know what the mission is!" Ron says, as if the thing between Harry and Ginny never happened. Everyone looked at me waiting for an answer. "Well..." I start to explain.

10 Minutes Later

"MALFOY?!" Ron screams. "YOU HAVE TO LOVE MALFOY IN PUBLIC?!" Ron screams again. Thats when he realizes that Gin and Harry aren't saying anything.

"Harry, Ginny! What do you have to say about this!?" Ron asks. "Well... To be honest, If the Ministry Of Magic himself gave her that Mission, I think it's pretty important." Reasons Harry. "Yeah, and it's not like Hermione knew it was gonna be the ferret" Ginny adds.

Ron just walks out of the room slamming the door behind him. "Are you sure you guys are okay with this?" I ask Harry and Gin. "The real question is if your okay with this." Ginny asks clearly concerned.

"Well, in the beginning I was really pissed off, and I rejected the Mission at the first chance I got. But then I realized that it's actually a really good plan, so all I have to do is try being civil with Malfoy." I say. "Okay then... But if he try's any funny business with you... You come tell us. We'll deal with him" Harry says with a smile. "Yeah, I've been waiting for an excuse to use my Bat Boogey Hex" Ginny says jumping up and down with excitement. I laugh. "Thanks guys! Your the best!" I say hugging them both.

"No worries! And we'll deal with Ron." Harry assures. "Okay thanks! Now I'll leave and you 2 can get back to your business." I say winking. I leave the room laughing. 'I am so lucky to have friends like them' I thought happily.
A/N: Okay, The Next Chapter Will Be When Draco Tells His Friends About 'The Mission'

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