Chapter 8: Moving In

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A/N: I'm Excited For This Chapter! Hope Y'all Are Too!
Draco P.O.V
I wake up, shower, change my clothes, and walk into the kitchen. I take out some frozen bacon and grab some eggs. I sigh. 'What Am I Doing!? I Don't Know How To Cook!' I usually go out and eat something, but today I'm too lazy.

I plop down on the couch and turn on the TV. The wizarding world made a muggle TV into magic. Now you don't have to run it on electricity, and you can watch different types of films like Quidditch. I turn on the Quidditch Chanel, when I hear a knock on my apartment door.

I open the door and see Granger levitating her trunks behind her. She walks in a places them down. "Well someone's desperate" I smirk. "Actually, the Minister came and kicked me out of my own house! Can you believe it!? They also sold all my furniture and everything!" She says, annoyance evident in her voice. "Yikes!" I mutter.

"I know right!? Now, which ones my room?" She asks. "Figure it out Granger!" I say. "Okay!" She smirks. She opens my room and looks inside. "Well, this must be mine!" She says. She walks in a plops down onto the bed. "Granger! This isn't funny! Get out!" I say, pinching the bridge of my nose.

She laughs and walks into the guest room, placing her stuff on the little bench.
(A/N: This Is Dracos Apartment)

 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (A/N: This Is Dracos Apartment)

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Still Draco P.O.V
Granger looks at the kitchen and sees the messed up ingredients on the counter top. "Need a little help with that?" She laughs. "Yes..." I mutter, looking down at my feet. She laughs again and walks into the kitchen. She puts on the apron and ties her hair into a high pony. I walk into the lounge and start watching Quidditch.

10 Minutes Later...

"Done!" Granger says. She puts the food onto the table and leaves to get her book. I look at the food and my mouth starts to water. They're are Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs, French Toasts and Bagels.

She comes back and sits on the couch with a book. "Aren't you gonna eat?" I ask. "Nah" she says and continues to read. I quickly finish eating and walk over to the couch.

I turn on the TV and start to watch Quidditch. Just then, the door rings. I get up and get it. When I open it, I see Blaise, Pans, Theo, Potty, Weasel and Weaselette. "Ummm... Granger?" I call. "What Malfoy!?" She screams back. "Did you invite your... Friends?" I ask. "What- No..." She says. She comes quickly and sees who's they're.

"Uhhh... H-hey guys..." She says awkwardly. "Hey!" They all say at the same time. "Well... Come in? But Weasley, make sure to clean yourself off, I don't want dirt in the house" I smirk. Weasley immediately goes red.

"Ignore him." Granger says. We all walk to the couch and everyone sits down except me and Weasel. I was about to sit next to Granger but Weasel beat me to it. No one else seemed to notice but I Weasel smirk at me. I quickly sit down next to Blaise. "So, would you all care to explain why the hell you all came here, as together?" Granger asks. "Well, we know about this Mission and all so we decided to act civil. Plus, they've changes Mione. Trust us." Potter says. "Well... I definitely don't trust them, but if you guys do, then alright." Granger sighs.

"Omg! Is that Hogwarts: A History? I love that book!" Pansy says excitedly pointing to the book on my- our coffee table. "Okay, I like her!" Granger says pointing to Pansy. Everyone laughs while I just roll my eyes.
A/N: Okay, I'll Try To Finish The Next Chapter Today. I'm EXTREMELY Excited For The Next One!!!

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