Chapter 16: Love Or Revenge?

Start from the beginning

“I was wearing that the first time I flew,” he remembered, “When Kal-El took over.”

“It is a nice shirt though, Clark,” Chloe said, “I think you should wear it.”

He took the handed shirt and glanced at it skeptically.

“Clark, look at me,” Chloe said, “Trust me on this one. Oliver has been trying to reach you for days with no success. And when he sees you in that shirt, he’ll go crazy.”

“Okay,” Clark agreed, “I’ll wear it.”

Chloe smiled, pleased. “I’ll be right outside the door.” She left, leaving him alone to change.

“Okay evil shirt,” Clark muttered, “You are very uncomfortable looking, I don’t know why I bought you. Something tells me that this is not going to be a fun couple of hours and I will be very self conscious.” He glared at the shirt, as if daring it to disagree. “So you better win me Oliver, okay?”

He was pretty sure talking to your clothes was a sign of insanity but he didn’t dwell on it too much. After changing his shirt, he opened the door for Chloe to re-enter the room.

She appraised him and nodded, approvingly. “Much better. Now, your hair.”

Instinctively, Clark reached for his head. “What’s wrong with my hair?”

“Clark, Clark, Clark,” Chloe said. “Where do I start?”

“My hair’s not that bad!” Clark griped.

“It’s not bad, it’s just boring.” Chloe said. Her gaze darted to the dresser and she walked over to it. A few minutes of digging and she came back with a bottle of gel.

“Sit still.” She commanded as he tried to get up and protest.

He pouted as she styled his hair, closing his eyes the entire time.

“Alright,” Chloe said finally, “Open your eyes.” Clark was nervous but did as he was told. She led him to a mirror and he tilted his head.

“I look okay.” He said softly.

“Okay?” Chloe repeated, “You look great!”

He turned to her. “Thanks, Chloe.”

“You’re welcome.” She said, her tone warm.

“So, is Jimmy coming?” He asked.

“No, he had plans,” Chloe said, “But he said to say hi to ‘CK’.” She grinned, “I don’t know what it is about you, Clark Kent, but everyone seems to like you.”

He blushed. “I don’t know what it is either, but I’m glad he’s okay with me. I didn’t want your relationship to suffer because he thought something was going on.” He looked at her. “He’s a good guy.”

“That he is,” Chloe agreed. “He makes me happy.”

“Then that’s all that matters,” Clark told her. “So, where’s Lois?”

“Well, I said I had to come see you first,” Chloe said, “We’re going back to pick her up.”

“Shall we head out then?” Clark asked.

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