I said, " Oh, I knew that."

  He said, " You forgot didn't you?"

  I laughed, and we walked inside. I said, " Yeah. I did. I had a lot going on in the last three months."

  He nodded, and I went inside my office. I seen Mom sitting in my chair behind my desk. I said, " Mom. What are you doing right here?"

   She said, " I just wanted to know if you were doing anything tonight."

  I said, " I am, why?"

  She said, " What are you exactly doing?"

  I said, " I'm going on a date."

She said, " With who?"

  I said, " Why does it matter?"

  She said, " It doesn't. I just wanted to help you get ready."

  I said, " You knew about Ryan asking me out, didn't you?"

  She said, " Yeah. I sort of talked him into it."

  I said, " Of course you did."

   She laughed, and said, " See you at the game."

  I said, " Yeah."

She left my office, and I sat down and finished some paperwork.

Seven hours later, I drove back to the house. I got out of my car, and sped upstairs to my room. I got a shower, and then put on my robe. I walked out into the room, and seen Mom holding a dress up in her hand.

She said, " Here. Wear this."

I nodded, and grabbed the dress, and went into the bathroom. I put on the off the shoulder, red, sparkle, evening dress. I also put on the red heels to match. I walked out of the bathroom, and I seen Mom sitting on my bed.

I said, " Mom, I don't remember this being in my closet."

She said, " Cause it wasn't. It's one of my dresses, that i bought, and never wore."

I said, " It's gorgeous."

She said, " I know. I figured you would love it. Now, sit down, and let me do your hair."

I sat down at the vanity, and she did my hair, and makeup. She pinned it off to the side, and curled it.

When she was done, I stood and said, " Wow."

She said, " You're beautiful. Now, let's go before your father kicks Ryan out."

We laughed. We went out of my room, and went downstairs. I seen Ryan in the foyer, in a suit. I said, " You look handsome."

He lifted my hand, and kissed my hand. I blushed, and he said, " You're gorgeous."

I smiled, and said, " Let's go before my dad shows up."

Dad said, " Nice try, sweetheart."

I turned around, and he was standing behind me, beside Mom. I said, " Dad, I didn't say anything."

He said, " I heard you, and your mother talking before you left your room. Remember I have supernatural hearing, too."

I said, " I know."

He put his hand on Ryan's shoulder, and said, " Have her home by 7."

I said, " Dad, that's literally an hour from now."

Mom said, " Go ahead, and stay out as long as you can."

Dad said, " No."

As they were arguing, Ryan and I snuck out of the house. We got in his car, and drove somewhere out of town. I said, " Where are we going?"

He said, " It's a surprise. Don't worry! You will love it."

I nodded, and we made small talk, till we arrived.

An hour later, we arrived at the restaurant called, 'Growling Humba.' We got out of the car, and I said, " Why does it seem like I've been here before?"

He said, " I don't know."

I nodded, and we walked inside, and got seated at a table by the window looking over at the sunset.

The waiter came over, and Ryan said, " We will have the red wine. The lady will have a medium rare steak, with a loaded baked potato. I will have the same."

The waiter nodded, and walked away. I said, " That's my favorite meal. How did you know?"

He said, " I don't know. I just had a feeling."

I nodded. We talked some more, and then our food came. We ate, and talked. He told me about how he bounced from foster home, to foster home, and more about his childhood. I told him about my childhood. He's so easy to talk to.

Three hours later, we arrived back at the house. He got out of the car, and came around to my side, and opened my door for me. I got out, and he closed the door.

I said, " Such a gentleman."

He smiled, and we walked inside. He said, " Well, goodnight, Hope."

I said, " Goodnight, Ryan."

He kissed my cheek, and I sped upstairs to my room. I went inside, and closed the door, and collapsed on the door. I sighed, and someone said, " So, how was it?"

I jumped, and said, " Mom!"

She laughed, and said, " How was it?"

I said, " It was amazing, perfect."

She said, " Any kiss?"

I said, " He kissed my cheek."

She smiled, and said, " What about another date?"

I said, " I don't know."

She nodded, and walked out of my room. I changed into my red silky pjs, and laid down. I sighed, and fell asleep, dreaming of another date with Ryan. He's so dreamy. How could I not realize it before?

Missing Memories (Holarke) Where stories live. Discover now