three ! she was actually serious

Start from the beginning

As they all saw a girl figure walking towards them, people started recording, other students were anticipating the race, some think she'll fail embarrassingly while some thinks she might end up third the most and VERY FEW thinks she'll be one of the best runners

"oh hey! Sorry for being late, had to take off my makeup a bit" she excused

"oh it's okay, you've warmed up right, let's go right at it" j-hope smiled

The four runners took their places or lanes, they're all going to run a 200 meters sprint, chaeyoung will be judged not just by her speed but also stability and some other criterias

"are you ready to see this exciting match EVERYONEE!! " jin screamed

"YESSSS!! " they answered unanimously

Taehyung is in lane 1
Jungkook is in lane 2
Chaeyoung is in lane 3
And Jimin in lane 4

"Get ready....


GO! "

as the starting gun was shot, the four people started their race

Taehyung was leading in the front with his crazy speed sprint

Jungkook, the second fastest was following behind taehyung but isn't that close to him

While the other two were running neck to neck

"Joon, i think she doesn't qualify, if we're just going to get another jimin, we're better off with nothing" yoongi complained as he saw how chaeyoung wasn't as good as she pretended to be

"no no, she haven't even started yet, see her way of running? Her legs? She haven't pushed through yet" namjoon said, excitedly waiting for what's going to happen next


all eyes were turned to chaeyoung who finally started her sprint leaving jimin behind with a huge gap in between

people were now on the edge of their seat, waiting anxiously

"Tae! Slow down a bit i can't- CHAE?! "

"gotta go jungkook, i have a race to win"

And just like that, Chaeyoung passed Jungkook and sprinted again and now, she's right on Taehyungs tail

Hearing footsteps near him, taehyung scoffed and said "jungkook when did you get this fast, but im sorry im not going to give you this win"

Taehyung added more to his speed and as the two was nearing the ending line people were shocked to see how close the two raced with each other


Then people started cheering, but somehow, it didn't feel like they were cheering for taehyung, they were cheering for..


taehyung turned, and to his surprise, the person he thought was jungkook was unexpectedly Chaeyoung, she has her breathing controlled and now she's drinking water

"how did you-" before he wanted to ask what he wanted, he decided to just let it go

Then Jungkook arrived and lastly, Jimin

"oh my chaeng you weren't bluffing at all!! " namjoon cheered as he wiped off the sweats from chaeyoung whom he's all over for now

"to race pass me and get that close to tae is huge, omfg, it took me 10 years to even get that close and you just- VROOOM" jungkook said out of fascination

"so, am i in? or do you need to see some more? " she questioned

"OF COURSE YOU'RE IN GIRL!! IT WOULD BE OUR LOSS IF WE LET GO OF YOU" hoseok yelled as he gave chaeyoung a hug

"oh my it's almost 6 30 i need to hurry home or my old man will get nuts" she laughed

"old man? your dad-"

"no, my grandpa, I'll go now okay, THANK YOU AGAIN FOR GIVING ME A CHANCE! " she said as she ran to taehyung who was silently going to the stadium exit

"going home too tae? " she asked

"yeah why? if you're asking for a ride, no. " he coldy replied

"i mean i don't have a ride..

'oh' he thought to himself

"you can-"

..I'll just get a taxi, sorry for bothering again tae, goodbye, see you tomorrow! " she said while taking out her phone to call the taxi driver she rode with yesterday

"I'd rather not.. "

Fast forward to Taehyung at his house

'how did she.... get so fast, how did she manage to breath finely after sprinting how did she -


"young master are you okay? " a butler came in

"yeah yeah, don't bother me anymore"

"as you wish"

As the butler excused himself, taehyung received one new message

UNKNOWN = tae, im sorry for annoying you hweheh

UNKNOWN = taee if you want me to give you any tips to sprint more stable, feel free to ask me!!

UNKNOWN = im sorrryyy if you're upset π_π

UNKNOWN = oh this is chaeng! save my number okayy! gnight taee <3

"Why is she even apologizing? Why is she so ANNOYING?!


*number blocked*

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