53. The Whole Worlds Watching

Start from the beginning

"Don't." Bucky said.

John started to scream asking where Karli went. He went after the man and crowds started to form around the scene. He threw the shield at the man and it looked unnaturally hard. John was strong, but that didn't look normal. The man he was attacking wasn't even fighting back he was just crying out that he wasn't responsible. He was begging him to stop and John wasn't responding

I looked to Bucky and I knew he was thinking the same thing. John let out a scream as he rose the shield above his head and sent it slamming into the mans chest. A gasp left my mouth and my hand covered it. He repeatedly went at the man and he was long dead after the first hit. Bucky's jaw had dropped and I head Sam's sigh as we watched the horrible sight in front of us.

"Guys." I said looking at them as John kept going at the man despite him going limp dozens of hits ago.

I looked to all the cameras and people that were watching in horror. Surely the videos were already viral and he was making a huge mistake. This wasn't going to end well for him and despite my hate for him this couldn't be good.

John backed up as the steps he stood over were covered in blood. He held onto the shield that was spattered in blood tightly and just looked around at everyone that had been watching. His stone cold expression was one impossible to read, but after what he had done it wouldn't matter. The whole world was watching him.

That shield that had stood for so much over the last decade was dripping in unnecessary blood. Blood that didn't need to be shed like that. If Steve could be here now to see this mess I don't even know how he would react, but this was not what Captain America and that shield stood for.

John broke out into a run back where we all had been fighting before. We all started to run after him because I was done with this righteous man get up he tried to keep. He was never supposed to have that shield in the first place and after what he did I was going to get it back. I was done watching it get torn to shreds and defy everything it stood for.

"Walker." Sam said and Bucky held me back.

Bucky and I were fuming mad, but we both knew Sam needed to do the talking right now. If I spoke I was just going to turn it into fighting. I wanted to knock him out and send him down a flight of stairs but if we could get that shield back up by him just talking him down then so be it. No more blood needed to be shed if we could stop it.

"You guys should see a medic, you don't look so good." John said emptily.

"Stop Walker." Sam said cautiously.

"What?" He asked. "You saw what happened. You know what I had to do. I killed him because I had to! He killed Lamar!"

"He didn't kill Lamar John." Bucky said clearly watching his tone. "Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well."

"I'm not like you." John said lowly.

"Listen it was the heat of the battle. Okay?" Sam said trying to cut in before anyone got upset. "If you explain what happened they may consider your record. We don't want anyone else to get hurt."

Johns eyes seemed to be empty again. He was constantly going in and out of this weird empty state. He just looked like no one was home. Obviously he had just gone through the trauma of losing Lamar, but I had no idea what was going on with him.

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