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"So what's your name?"

"Quinn, yours?" I grin.

What? I like smiling okay.

Why be sad when you can be happy?

And yes I know wars and crime and problems and college even, but you can't change them, so wouldn't it just be better to accept and move on?

"Grayson, so do you go to college around here?"

"Nope, I'm just here for a week to visit my aunt and look around," I spin out a lie in mere seconds.

"What about you? Wait let me guess, Science major?"

"Astronomy but close enough, you?"

The waitress brings out some fries and two glasses of strawberry lemonade. Weird combo but okay.

"History, everything about the past fascinates me," I pop a couple of fries into my mouth.

Not bad actually.

"They're good right?" Grayson eats one and then washes it down with some lemonade.

I should try some of that.

I take a sip.

Okay it's fire.

Not that it's actually on fire-but you got that, I'll shut up.

"So where are you actually from?" Grayson asks but my eyes zoom in on a girl sitting behind us, scratching a lottery ticket.

"Oh my gosh I won ten thousand!" She squeals in joy.

See look how happy she is. I love what I do for this exact reason.

"Woah she's lucky, all I've ever won is a couple of bucks," Grayson chuckles.

"I once won a soda," I chuckle.

"Nice, so where are you from? I'm getting a slight French accent but I'm not sure," Grayson comments.

"Cannes, France."

It's sad that the only city most people know in France is Paris.

"oui j'avais raison!" He exclaims, pumping his fist in the air. (Yes I was right! )

"en effet tu étais," (Indeed you were)

"Je suis tellement contente d'avoir appris le français au lycée," He smiles. (I'm so glad that I took French in high school)

I chuckle and sip on my lemonade.


"Thanks for the food, see you around Grayson," I salute and begin to walk away.

"See ya!"

I let out a yawn as I reach my room.

What? Just because I'm immortal doesn't mean I don't need my sleep.

I absolutely love sleeping, besides it's a great way to spend time.

I snack on some chips and watch a few episodes of friends before I doze off.


A/N: Heyy, yes I know the chapters are short but this is just a filler chapter and I didn't wanna drag it out.

Anywayss, what has been the most calming thing that you guys have done while at home? Like I usually read, but I try to sketch sometimes too xD

Anywaysss have a good morning, evening or nightt cyaa


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