I snapped my head to look at who this nice stranger must be. My eyes slightly widen at the sight of his face here before I couldn't hold off the smile from appearing. No one can stop it even you, if you see a soft looking Lee Heeseung in your side.

Unlike in school where he always gelled up his hair to look sharp, he have it down now and it looks so fluffy down his forehead. I even want to touch it.

"Hello there", I muttered, which isn't really surprising. We never talked before.

"What are you doing out here?", he asked me, giving me no time to recover from this interaction.

When I gave him no answer, he pointed to my headphone and I removed it before meekly answering him, "I am just here to pass the time. What about you?"

Is that the right way to talk to a guy who wasn't your friend? Let's add that he's close to my bully.

He just smiled, "I'm taking a rest from reviewing our topic in that project. Did you and Jay already started yours?", he looks so friendly that it's hard to not reply.

"Not really. He wanted us to do it in his condo and...", I stopped myself there, realizing that I have no idea where that bad guy lives.

Heeseung nodded, as if getting the words I wanted to say, "I live right next to him. You can shout to me for help if he ever plans to raise a hand on you"

My eyes went round as I looked back at him in confusion, not really knowing what to say. I know he is nice and all, but not this nice that I'm so speechless.

"Jay is not that bad, though", he keeps on talking, filling the silence between us, "Sometimes because of being an only child, he doesn't really know how to express his feelings properly"

"And you're saying this because you don't want me to judge him, am I right?", I deduced, and I can say that I don't like where this is going.

Even though I really didn't interact with Jay in a decent kind, I knew him longer than any other student in our class. Heeseung and Sunghoon only met him this year, but as for me, I've to suffer Jay's taunts since we're highschoolers.

"It's up to you on how you will receve it. I can't change your opinion, I only said it since he's misunderstood", Heeseung elaborated.

Misunderstood, my foot, that's what I nearly blurt out to him, but seeing that he was looking at me in a way that makes me comfortable with him, I changed my mind.

This guy doesn't deserve my sarcasm today. He looks too soft in my eyes that I can't help, but appreciate the view.

Before he caught onto my stare, I looked away and watch the water instead, "Why does he keeps on embarassing me? But to any girls, he just hated them, but he never treated them the way he did to me"

"You can only answer that question for yourself", Heeseung answered, following to where my gaze landed. I just nodded.

It's been so long that I started to seek the answer from anyone else who had seen what Jay is like around me. They all have different theories. Sunoo said it was because I was easy to play with. Niki said I have that imaginary banner saying on my back that I'm really that weak, so it's easier to target my ass.

As for Jake, he advises me not to think much about it. I think the only one who had ever been helpful was this kid that Jay hang around with from our province.

His name is Yang Jungwon. He said to me this one time when I tutored him in the Library, I could only get the answer from where it had started. He means I should talk to Jay which I never tried. I said to him that I still have dreams to reach before I do so.

It's like asking for death.

Heeseung nudged me with his shoulder, so I smiled a bit sheepishly at him, "Why are you drifting off? Thinking of him, do you?"

"No, never!", I instantly defended myself with the addition of my nose scrunching at the thought.

I don't know whether I looked hilarious or not, but he actually laughed at me, in a style that you could see all his teeth in the show. Now I understand why Jessica is talking about him sometimes.

Like she said, he is cute. People just usually overlooked him to go for Sunghoon and Jay. I can add my friend, Jake, too. Those three were like the top crushes of so many girls.

"I should go", he just said suddenly, looking down at the time from one of the screens broadcasting the news of today.

He didn't give me time to say anything before he stood up and patted my shoulder, then goes on to leave. I watched him, blinking in confusion to our interaction especially when he looked back for one last time.

"See you at school, Y/N", he even smiled, then he was gone just like that.

Unbelievable, I never thought I'd see the day one of my bully's friend would talk to me.

Heeseung, you're raising up the standards to me even in real life.. How about to you, guys?

Breaking The Bully ⚊ Enhypen JayWhere stories live. Discover now