Not an Update

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Halo, Tobi here.

Recently, I've been contacted via email by a representative from a publishing entertainment.
It was stated there that my book "LAMP AND MILO." had peaked their interest and they saw potential.

I was offered a non-exclusive contract to sign once again by the same entertainment company. This time, they were very specific about which book they want. (And yes, it's another contract. A different one from my previous offer. So technically, I now have two contracts with them.)

The non-exclusive contract allows me to keep this book here in wattpad, as well as update it. And publish this book and earn profit in another platform. (

I had the choice to keep the character's names and even the cover, but I chose not to. I wanted the book to remain a Camren fic here in wattpad, because this is where it all started 🥰 (plus to avoid conflicts.)

Out of all my books, Lamp and Milo had introduced me to a lot of new followers and readers. At first, I never really thought of this book as the one with "Potential". I mean, I even lost my drafts right? But still whenever I update this, I get tons of notifications within a span of 5 minutes.

If I can be completely honest, I never really paid much attention to the comments (both from all of you and my friends) saying the book was interesting and unique, but apparently I was wrong. The book is indeed how you all define it.

I want to thank you guys so much for supporting Lamp and Milo! I will be updating it soon!

You're my lucky star :))

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