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"Okay, so what's your name?"

"My name's Lauren."

"Hi Lauren."

"Hello." The raven giggled.

"So Lo, what's your dream in life?"

"Well, for starters my dream is to marry you." Lauren smiled.


"What? That's a serious dream Camz!" Lauren replied, sitting on the bench as she looked at the woman in front of her.

"Okay, well. That's one of my dreams, to marry you." Lauren smiled before reaching out to hold Camila's hand.

"Another dream of mine is to help people out, all those who need help. Build a shelter for those in need of homes." Lauren smiled.

"That'll fit, Architect Jauregui." Camila smiled.

"But one of my most important dreams in life is to build a home. A home for us." Lauren smiled, squeezing Camila's hand.

"That way, you'll be satisfied of the outcome. Because you will be telling me what you want." Lauren added, Camila felt her heart burst with joy as the raven continued discussing her dream.

"In that home, we'll spend our lives together, build a family. Wait for you to come home after a tiring case and well, just give you love." Lauren smiled.

"Tiring case?" Camila asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Well of course Attorney. Cases are very hard to win. But I'm sure you'll do great." Lauren smiled.

"I'm not even good at lying." Camila chuckled.

"Which is a good thing Camz, that way you'll be a lawyer of dignity. The kind of lawyer who fights for the truth and not make up a lie just to dominate or win a case. I'm very sure that you'll win all the possible cases assigned to you." Lauren said, smiling at her girlfriend.

"You really think so?" Camila smiled, biting her lip.

"I know so." Lauren smiled, the brunette then gently crouched down to place a kiss on the raven's lips.

"I love you so much." Camila whispered.

"And I love you so much more." Lauren smiled.

"Let's cut that part of the video okay?" Camila giggled.

"Okay." Lauren smiled.

"So in general, I want to be your wife. My ultimate dream in life is to stand beside you through thick and thin, while we help people side by side." Lauren smiled proudly.

Camila chuckled to herself as the video went black, looking at her ring finger before letting out a soft smile. Her moment of silence disturbed by a knock on her door.

"Come in." Camila said, before fixing her posture.

"Good Afternoon Attorney Cabello, I would like to ask for your service." The woman said while the brunette nodded, and offered her a seat.

This was an everyday scenario for Camila, meeting with clients, defending their side, winning trials. Surprisingly, as the youngest lawyer in the industry.

Camila had never lost a case before, and it was starting to tick some of the known lawyers around, which made her the hotshot of Attorney of the country.

Camila found herself smiling as she remembered the raven, Lauren had always told her that because of her inability to lie, her clients will likely win a case. Just like Lauren said, she will be spitting facts and truth.

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