Chapter One The Crowfather's Tower

Start from the beginning

"You can come out now." he called out.

Death watched as his cowardly crow flew down from where he had instantly gone to perch once the short lived fight broke out. He landed awkwardly on the Horseman's shoulder.

"Thanks for the help." Death commented flatly. "Now come on, let's get this done."

When the pair reached the top, the snow chanced a return. It fell lightly on the ground, the throne and the man that sat in it; the Crowfather, the Keeper of Secrets.
He was Creation's most notorious, and oldest recluse. His appearance hadn't changed a bit since Death had seen him last. The old one still had the same wrinkled, bearded face that peered out at the Horseman from a mantle of black feathers. He wore robes that's colour fell between the faded overlap of brown and grey. What caught Death's attention was the green, glowing amulet he wore.
Although his appearance had remained unchanged, the same couldn't be said for his mental state. In fact such a thing was something few would have had words for.
Mad was putting it lightly.

"Voices...voices.... Always voices...torment without end." the Crowfather mumbled , before fully fixing his attention on his visitor who came forward.

"Keeper of Secrets, I need your help." Death began, bypassing any sort of welcome. He didn't have time for such pleasantries.

"I helped you once before, Horseman. Look at me now. Oh how I curse that day...How I curse you." the old one responded, showing full resentment for the rider before him.

"Mind yourself, I'm not here to put you out of your misery, not yet." Death answered, pale hand resting on the hilt of a scythe.

"I know why you're here. Your brother War, he's been imprisoned by your masters, the Charred Council and awaits their judgement. For dooming the Earth, for humanity's extinction." the Crowfather answered as he forced himself to stand.

It was no wonder he knew. War's tale had spread across all Creation, carrying with it many variations, blends of fact and fiction.

"Why should his fate be of any concern to me?" the old one challenged before turning away.

"Because you know the truth. Your secrets can save him." Death answered, keeping a level head.

"Even if what I know was brought to light, the Council will condemn War. Strip him of his power, let him rot in Oblivion, in order to hide the truth. Both you and I know this well. My secrets cannot prove his innocence, rider." the Keeper explained in almost mocking tones.

"No, but they can assist me in erasing the crime." the Horseman stated.

The Crowfather laughed, but it was anything but pleasant. "Bring Mankind back from extinction? Madness!"

"If it's madness, then who better to show me the way?" Death retorted as he came forward a few more steps.

"Humph. If such a way exists, you'll find it here.".

As the Keeper spoke, a portal opened between them, revealing a land of mountains and plains. But what stood out was a massive structure, a tree. But not just any tree, this one was anything but ordinary.

"The Tree of Life." Death spoke aloud, but more so to himself, before stepping forward.

However, the Crowfather snapped the portal shut with the flick of a bony wrist.

"Let me through!" Death demanded, feeling a growl rising up from his chest.

"Not yet. That of which you gave me," the Keeper paused, raising the glowing amulet. "you'll take it back."

Death's orange eyes narrowed at this.
"In exchange for it's secrets, you agreed to keep the amulet!"

The Crowfather shook his head almost vigorously. "No! The voices. They threaten me without relent, they cry to return! You must destroy it!".

The Horseman's head and shoulders drooped slightly as he briefly averted his piercing gaze.

"Gah! You destroyed the Nephilim's flesh, why do you guard their souls?" the old man exclaimed accusingly.

That was it. He'd had enough.
"Open the portal!" Death ordered, drawing his scythes and crossed them before him.

"You will not pass while I live." came the Keeper's response.

"Fine...My brother's fate concerns me. Yours does not." Death replied and charged forward.

However, a powerful blast from the Crowfather's hand sent him crashing across the platform. The rider dug both blades into the stone, sending up sparks before he slowed to a stop. Tearing them from the stone, Death glared at the Keeper as he raised the amulet once more.

"Here your kin are trapped in never ending torment! Do you wish to join them? And what of War? Would you kill your own brother to preserve your and the Council's precious Balance?".

"He is innocent!" Death exclaimed in rising anger.

"Humph. Are you so certain?".

As the man spoke, his appearance began to change. In seconds, he took the form of War.
A crimson and gold hood hid most of his face, armour covering his shoulders, gauntlets latched onto both arms. Apart from red eyes instead of blue, the Crowfather had become the splitting image of Death's brother. And in his hand was a copy of War's signature sword.

The rider lunged forward at the clone of his youngest brother, who lashed out with the large sword.
The two clashed, the sound of crashing metal ringing in their ears. It continued to do so over and over again as their weapons seemed to endlessly clash.
The skilful Crowfather had taken on War's fighting style and even adopted his voice.
As he made a mighty swing of the sword, his opponent evaded it and got in close, striking hard, but not enough. 'War' almost instantly swung up, knocking Death off balance before hitting him in the chest, sending him crashing back.
The pale rider rolled back into a crouched position, joining his scythes into a single weapon. Standing, he gripped the haft tight and sprinted forward.
Holding the sword's hilt in a firm grip, the copy stormed for the Horseman.
Both attacked at once, but only one drove the blade home.
With a clatter, the massive sword hit the stone floor while Death tore his blood covered scythe from the Keeper's chest, who reverted to his original form as he fell.
The Crowfather rolled onto his front and desperately attempted to crawl away from the rider. But this was to little avail.
Death swung down, digging the blade deep into the Keeper's back. He dragged him across the floor before standing the long scythe upright, the coughing and spluttering Crowfather lodged on its blade.

"Open, the portal!" Death demanded once more, grabbing the Keeper and hurled him towards his throne.

As he hit the ground, the chain that had confined the amulet to the Crowfather's chest snapped; allowing the amulet to come away. It slid to a stop and lay between them both.

"Your secrets die with you...old fool." Death told him.

As the portal opened, this time behind the Horseman, the Crowfather gave his final words.
"My secrets...but not yours...".

The amulet suddenly began to shake violently as cracks rippled across its glass surface before the whole thing shattered.
As the Crowfather gave a sickly chuckle, the souls of the amulet turned to small, razor-sharp shards and shot forward. Each one lodged itself into the right side of Death's chest, sending surges of immense pain through his whole body.
Crying out unintentionally, Death staggered back. Just as he blacked out, he fell into the gaping portal which would take him to a world not far from the edge of darkness.

Had Death been sent to his doom? That answer would be found in the Horseman's future, and in his past.

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