The music for "You" started and will started to sing. I just prepared myself so I didn't sound like a dying witch. Soon it got to my part of the song

Once I started singing, everyone cheered. Everything's gonna be ok. Will and I finished off the rest of the song just having lots of fun

Will: we popped off!
Y/n: yep

I soon felt someone touch my shoulder and scream "Boo"

joe: sorry, I saw the the opportunity
Y/n: if I see the opportunity to run you over, I'll take it
Joe: oh god

Joe then hurried off stage

Will: speaking of which, storytime. I once hid somewhere in nikis house and wanted to scare y/n and I did! But that resulted in her punching me in the fucking nose and giving me a nose bleed
Y/n: oh I remember that
Will: so moral of the story. I'm never scaring y/n again
Y/n: i once fractured techno's finger because he tried scaring me
Techno: ITS TRUE
Will: alright before y/n exposes a murder she committed in 2004, lets sing and get her off stage
Y/n: it was 2005, but ok
Will: just-just gonna pretend you didn't say that

The music for "stuck with u" started playing and I had to sing first. Great. It actually went great. At this one point, the crowd had their flashlights on and were swaying their phones left to right

Once will and I finished singing, the venue was filled with clapping

Will: ladies, gentlemen and everything in between, give it up for y/n!

I bowed on stage while people clapped and cheered for me

Y/n: enjoy alive Wilbur while you can guys
Will: uh- heh..
Y/n: oh calm down, I'm only kidding

I walked off stage and before my mic was cut off, I managed to say

Y/n: or am I

The ear piece was taken away and so was the mic. I went back up to the seats and collapsed into my seat

Quackity: you're a natural holy shit
Y/n: I wanted to throw up
Techno: you did great
Niki: that was awesome!
Dream: yeah! For no preparation or anything, you did awesome
Y/n: thank you!
Will: y/n you still have the flag
Y/n: I'm going to murder Wilbur soot
Tubbo: no just her next YouTube title
Ranboo: "I murdered Wilbur Soot"
Dream: in this video, I killed Wilbur soot in real life! This got crazy! Also, only a small percenTHAHAHA
Sapnap: oh god


Once the show finished, we headed back to the hotel. Techno and I had our own room. I got changed into more comfortable clothing and immediately went to bed. Techno came in soon after me

Techno: hallo
Y/n: mm hi
Techno: your singing was awesome
Y/n: thank you! I'm exhausted
Techno: alright

Techno kissed my forehead

Techno: goodnight y/n
Y/n: night techno
Techno: I..I love you
Y/n: aw i love you too tech

With that being said, we both fell asleep shortly afterwards. Techno and I had been dating for about five months now and it was one of the best five months of my life

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