Club Audition

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Author's Note:

This is a poem that I wrote about a dance game that I loved to play during college days.


I go hype though I get stressed

I would change in distress

When it's worse I do cry

But at times I laugh to fly

It's not enough so the stairs I heed

To sit awhile and enjoy the beat

It moves me here; it moves me there

Yeah it's cool, the music's flare

I hit great, perfect and miss

Raise the level and I shrink

Go go go! For you, for all

Aw, I hate it when I fall

Beat is good, join the rhythm

Least I won't hide for missing

Chance is cool, it pulls me up

To reach no miss, a blue beat up

They would stare in awe call me a ghost

I'm just good in time I've mastered

They too can learn cool new moves

And enjoy playing, listening to the groove.

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