Taehyung: Upset Moments (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Stop daydreaming for once!"

Namjoon hyung's harsh words sends a tear slipping past my eyes. I quickly wipe it away, but all of them could still see it apparently, as they let out snorts. "And don't be such a crybaby," Yoongi hyung adds rudely. I pout and cross my arms. "W-what makes you think that I'm a crybaby? Y-you're spewing nonsense!"

"Well, we wouldn't be if you could actually do things right and make ARMYs satisfied!"

It's my turn to freeze. How do they know? Did they go through Twitter. Oh well, of course they did. Jungkook always does, and the others scold him for that. But no one's telling me not to. Instead, I'm getting scolded because I'm not getting my dance moves right.

But I don't even mean it! And I hope they could stop calling me rude names. But maybe I can't blame them... after all, my head's messed up and I can't seem to think properly.

And they don't know.

"Say something, dumbass!" Hoseok hyung then proceeds to yell at me. I look at my feet and play with my fingers, not wanting to look straight at them. I know he's disappointed at me. He himself has put a lot of time, effort, and passion into dancing, and now I'm like this.

Such a failure I am.

I shakily raise my head, before a wave of nausea takes over, and then everything turns black.

End of POV

It was all too sudden.

When Bangtan witnessed Taehyung dropping to the ground, eyes shut, skin pale and slightly green, they immediately rushed over towards him, trying to shake him awake but in vain. They soon realized that he had simply blacked out.

"What happened though?" sighed Jimin. The rest shrugged, except for Seokjin. "I think I heard him crying inside his room or something. I heard some sniffling sounds, but I didn't think much of it," the eldest admitted.

"But why would he be crying? We'd better ask him after he wakes up- damn, and we said all those things to him," Hoseok bit his lip. "Should we just take a break and return to the dorms or stay and continue practicing, hyungs?" asked Jungkook.

"I say we stay. Some of us haven't completely learning all the moves yet, though we're actually pretty close. Tae still needs to work on his dancing, but we could save those for after, I suppose," replied Namjoon, glancing over at Hoseok and received a nod in return. "I could help you guys," Jimin offered, "and Hobi hyung too."

"Sure," agreed Hoseok. "Let's just grab a cardigan or jacket and then fold it or something like that. It can be a pillow for Tae," added Yoongi. "I'm just really- I don't know, like we said all those things to him when something's obviously wrong. He was sweating a lot, but we didn't pay attention. I should've asked him, since I'm the leader," Namjoon mumbled, stressed out about the current situation.

"It's okay, Joon, we just misunderstood him. We can always make it right in the end, right?" Seokjin reassured. "Fine," Namjoon answered, nibbling his bottom lip.

"Then, let's get going."


It had been about five minutes since Bangtan returned to dance practice. They all kept an eye on Taehyung, making sure that he was fine. He didn't wake up yet, but they assumed that he would, soon.

And finally, he did, after seven minutes.

Taehyung rubbed his eyes, slowly opening them and sitting up. He looked around to find his members working hard on their dance moves. I should work hard like them too, he thought to himself, but just as he was about to stand up and join the rest, Jimin spotted the younger's awoken state and rushed over towards him.

"Oh my gosh, Tae, are you all right?"

Alerted by Jimin's sentence, Bangtan came crowding around Taehyung. Yoongi handed Taehyung a bottle of water and motioned for the second youngest to drink it, so he complied obediently.

"Do you know how worried we were? Is there something wrong? And by the way, we're so sorry about what we said just now, like, we didn't mean that at all!" babbled Namjoon, with a look of concern in his eyes.

"I- I'm the one who should be sorry!" Taehyung blurted. "I'm so sorry that I haven't been working hard enough. I went onto T-twitter and then I saw all those hate- I'm so sorry, I know you guys told me not to do that, but I did. And then there was this whole incident happening-"

"What incident, hyung?" Jungkook interrupted out of curiosity. "I- I don't know if I should tell you guys," Taehyung sniffled, not able to control his trapped emotions anymore and released a harsh sob. "Oh, Tae, what's wrong, baby? You know we'll always be there for you. Please, just forget what we said previously," Hoseok put a comforting hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Appa and Eomma g-got corona!" cried Taehyung, before bursting into tears.

Bangtan's eyes widened before they all embraced Taehyung in a big hug. "It's going to be fine, Tae," whispered Jimin, in attempt to comfort the sobbing boy. "It's not!" whimpered Taehyung. "T- they're in the fricking ICU and the doctor said that their conditions are very severe-"

Just as Taehyung said so, his mobile phone rang. Taehyung rummaged through his bag and fished it out. He put it to his ear as the voice from the other side spoke.

"Hello? This is the hospital."

To be continued...

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