chapter twenty one

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Stormfall sighed in contentment as he stared at the setting sun, pure peace in his heart.

It had been two moons since the news of Rainbreeze giving birth to her and Bramblestorm's kits. He had been granted permission by Mudstar and Sorrelstar to visit, and had been delighted in meeting Willowkit, Gorsekit, Moonkit and Bristlekit. He had also met Mistyrain's kits, Creekpaw and Rockpaw. It had amused him to see how Creekpaw and Willowkit acted with each other; the two were clearly close.

Now Cinderflame was expecting kits with Tigerfrost; an announcement that had initially surprised him to hear. Cinderflame, his proud, ambitious, fierce sister who seemed to tough and distant to even play with kits, was expecting her own. Stormfall was excited for her, and more happy that she and himself had repaired their relationship. He had watched with warmth and pride as she told him and Sandfeather about how Spiderstar had promoted Tigerfrost to deputy following the warrior ceremony of Jayfeather and Hollystorm.

The thought of Sandfeather brought another thread of warmth, Stormfall aware of the light ginger shecat pressed to his side. He felt calm with her at his side; they had been mates officially for a little over a moon now and he still couldn't help the sense of amazement he felt any time she spoke.

"You're thinking rather hard, deputy." Sandfeather teased softly. Her green eyes were full of amusement and affection, her whiskers twitching.

"Only about everything that's happened these past moons." Stormfall purred. He had been made deputy when Sorrelstar became leader after Spottedstar's death. It had been terrible; he had been apart of the patrol that had fought the rats with the leader, and he had witnessed her loosing eight of her lives from the rats, only to loose her final life a few days later. At first he had been completely unprepared, but after speaking with Sorrelstar, Moonwhisker and Russetsky, he felt better.

"Have you decided on who you're going to suggest come to the gathering tonight?" Sandfeather meowed, her tail flicking.

"I think you, Sootwhisker, Twigpelt, Russetsky, Moonfeather, Fernpaw, maybe even Honeypool and Birdheart?" He suggested, his head tilting. "Sparkfire and Nettlefang should stay behind to guard the camp." His own apprentice, Twigpaw, had become a warrior with his littermate, the two becoming Twigpelt and Daisynose. The two had proven to be excellent warriors. The clan had been fortunate, especially in the arrival of Fern, a young rogue who quickly showed an aptitude for being a medicine cat. Moonflower had adopted the shecat as her apprentice, and Fernpaw had become very skilled.

"Wise choices. But I'm afraid tonight may be my last gathering to attend." Sandfeather meowed softly, her paws shuffling.

"Why's that? Planning on retiring early? Spend time with Russetsky?" Stormfall teased, purring as Sandfeather flicked his ear.

"No you furbrain, I'm expecting your kits, not getting old." She huffed, her eyes rolling in mock irritation.

Stormfall froze, his eyes widening as he stared at Sandfeather. "You're..what?" He breathed, his ears pinned to his head. His kits? She was expecting his-?

"Yes. Moonflower confirmed it this morning. I'm expecting kits Stormfall. Aren't you pleased?" She meowed hesitantly, her green eyes darting between him and her paws anxiously.

"Pleased? This is wonderful!" He beamed as he hurried to cover her face in licks, his chest rumbling as he purred. "Us, expecting kits? Wait till I tell Honeypool and Sootwhisker! Till I tell Cinderflame and Rainbreeze and my parents." He was beyond excited; they were having kits! He could see it now, a little sturdy tom with Sandfeather's eyes, or maybe a fierce little shekit with his pelt.

"I hoped you'd be happy. Moonflower and Fernpaw think I should move into the nursery soon." Sandfeather meowed. "Maybe after the gathering."

"Of course. Let's get you back to camp." He purred.

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