chapter twenty

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It had been a moon since Rainbreeze had moved into the nursery and the blue-grey shecat was more than ready to have her kits.

In that span of time, Mistyrain had given birth to two toms, Creekkit and Rockkit, and Featherheart has moved into the nursery expecting Thornheart's kits. The nursery was full, and soon would have more residents, if the adoring looks Liontail often have to Hollypaw and the sweet smiles shared between Jaypaw and Petalheart were anything to go by.  Even Hawkwhisker, his personality cool and his voice soft, had been spending more and more time with Blossomtail.

She missed training Jaypaw, but she knew Tigerfrost had been the best choice. The good mannered warrior and her former apprentice got along well, and Jaypaw had made it a point to visit her to tell her about his training as often as he could. It warmed Rainbreeze's heart to know that her first apprentice missed her as much as she missed him.

"Rainbreeze?" The low voice of her mate broke the blue warrior out of her thoughts. She turned her head to face him, purring as he stepped further into the nursery.

"Hey." She meowed softly, nuzzling his cheek as he pressed his to her face. "How was the gathering?"

She had stayed up waiting for him to return, Bramblestorm having promised to relay everything to his mate.

"Intense. Spottedstar is dead. Rat attack. Now Sorrelstar is leading SkyClan, with Stormfall as her deputy." He meowed as he sat beside her, his tail brushing her pelt gently.

"Stormfall? Deputy?" Rainbreeze meowed in surprise, her ears flicking. "He must be so proud."

"He looked nervous. But he seemed happy. ShadowClan announced that their new deputy would be Ashfang. Rainstar changed her deputy, I guess Bristletail stepped down. Now Ravenstorm is her deputy." He shrugged. "I heard Rosecloud of Riverclan and Russetfeather of ShadowClan saying it was because both leaders wanted young, strong warriors."

"They picked good choices. That Ravenstorm is rather peaceful, and Ashfang is known for being more relaxed than even Newtstar." Rainbreeze commented as she stretched. "Did Cinderflame talk to Stormfall?"

"No. When it was announced she acted as if she didn't hear. Do you think she'll ever forgive him?" Bramblestorm meowed lowly, his head tilting curiously.

Rainbreeze sighed; she had hoped that Cinderflame would forgive their brkther in time. But she could see it would take a while longer. "I don't know. She feels as if he betrayed us by leaving. She always wanted us three to be the best warriors for ThunderClan we could be."

"Well, I'm sure she'll be in much better spirits. I've heard her and Tigerfrost debating about having Jaypaw and Hollypaw's apprentice ceremony soon." He meowed, his head tilting.

"Really? Feels as if they were just made apprentices." Rainbreeze meowed softly, her nose twitching. She couldn't believe Hollypaw and Jaypaw would be becoming warriors soon; had it really been that long since they had become apprentices?

"I love you both, but shut up." Mistyrain grumbled from further back, one of her yellow eyes peeking at them from the mound of grey and black fur that made up her and her kits. "I just got these two to settle down."

"Sorry Mistyrain." Brambestorm purred as he moved to lay down closer to Rainbreeze. "We'll be quiet."

"Hmph." The grey queen grunted as she closed her eyes, drifting to sleep again.

Rainbreeze and Bramblestorm shared an amused look as they settled more into the large nest, purring softly as they began to fall asleep.


Fading Shadows (A Trail of Shadows book two) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें