Chapter sixteen

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"You did well yesterday Cinderflame. I saw how fiercely you fought." Duskheart praised as he circled his apprentice, his tail flicking. "And no mercy to Stormfall? Very good."

The two were in the clearing where their training usually took place. Cinderflame flexed her shoulders, wincing at the faint sting. Stormfall hadn't fought back at all; but the white apprentice she had been fighting before her brother had shown up had quite the set of claws.

"I felt as if I was hurting myself. He's my brother." Cinderflame admitted, her ears pinned back to her head. "I know I shouldn't, but I feel guilty for it. I've never had to truly fight my own sibling."

"I understand. You were faced with a tough choice and in the end you chose your clan. You are a good warrior. Hollypaw is fortunate to have you mentoring her. I've noticed you and Rainbreeze seem closer now however." Duskheart spoke, his voice soothing. At his words, Cinderflame felt a rush of relief; he understood her misgivings about having fought her own littermate.

"Yeah. I think training Hollypaw and Jaypaw at the same time is helping. She's all I have left, except for my parents, Tigerfrost, you." Cinderflame spoke.

"It's almost dawn. I will let you rest tomorrow night. You've done me proud." Duskheart meowed. "That does remind me however; next time Hollypaw goes to catch a mouse, keep an eye on her left front leg. She seems to favor it."

"Thank you." Cinderflame meowed

As the silver tabby faded from the forest, a low chuckle was heard in the tree line. Stepping forward, a massive ginger tom smirked coldly at Duskheart who returned the expression.

"I've watched her sister in the day. Rainbreeze isn't as weak as we first thought." The stranger spoke, his ear flicking. "She could do with the proper training, but she's coming along."

"It'll be a matter of time before our plans come to fruition. Go, Blazetail, train and be prepared. Our time is coming." Duskheart chuckled as his tail lashed.

"The end of the stars is near."

Yawning, the silver tabby stretched her back slowly, her eyes narrowing as she peered around the dimly lit den.
Next to her, Tigerfrost snored rather loudly, his paw flicking every so often. A few taillengths away, Cinderflame could see the heap of mottled ginger fur that made up Ashwind and Thornheart, and just beside them slept Tawnyfrost and Briarleap.

On her other side, Rainbreeze slept curled in a tight ball, her blue-grey fur sleek. Bramblestorm's light brown pelt was wrapped around her, their tails twined.

'I wish she would finally admit that she loves him. It would save everyone more time.' Cinderflame thought, her whiskers twitching as she rose from her nest to head outside.

Spiderclaw sat in the center of camp, his ear flicking as he watched Foxfang, Featherheart and Oakfur talk, their tails flicking restlessly. At the sight of Cinderflame, Spiderclaw perked up a bit. She liked the dark pelted warrior well enough; he was a fierce fighter and a rather easygoing tom, but he also had a thorn sharp tongue that could give out scathing remarks on an instant.

"Cinderflame, I want you to take Hollypaw, and Bramblestorm on a small hunting patrol this morning. Head over by the SkyClan border. If you see anything, don't engage, but send Hollypaw back here for me or Mudstar." Spiderclaw instructed, his ear flicking. "And while you're at it, wake up Rainbreeze. I want her checking the border by WindClan with Foxfang and Tawnyfrost. She can take Jaypaw along."

"Yes Spiderclaw." Cinderflame dipped her head politely to the clan deputy before turning tail and slipping into the warriors den.

Making her way to the shared nest of her sister and the warrior who was obviously smitten with her, Cinderflame let out a soundless hiss at the thought of waking Bramblestorm up.

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