Chapter 23 - Handsome Boy

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Placing me on the bed, she brushes my tousled hair with her fingers. I play with them hem of the shirt, fiddling with some loose strands when another question pops in my head. "Hey mom?" She hums in response. "What's the difference between boys and girls?"

The same hearty laugh of hers from earlier bounces off the room, "I think we'll save that conversation for another time."

Before I could respond, a knock on the door interrupts us. Momma looks confused and opens the door to a bald man with missing teeth, wearing a stained white shirt. The smell of what think is cigarette smoke starts to fill the room as he talks, "Olympia, ya have client waitin' down stairs, be ready in five minutes, and get that runt out of here," he says, pointing at me.

I frown, this happens a few times a week. Some men will visit my mom and I have to end up staying with the other ladies that live here. Weird noises always come from our room and I'll get scolded if I try to enter.

Momma sighs and says she'll be ready. She turns to me, "Hey sweetie, I'm going to drop you off at Brandy's room for a bit, okay? You can play with her son while mom works."

I throw my hands up in protest, "I don't wanna play with Jack, he's mean."

She pats my head, "It'll only be for an hour or so, and then we can go to the market together and get a treat."

Instantly I light up, I always like going to the market, there's cool stuff to look at. She drops me off down the hallway and gives me a big kiss on the cheek before leaving. About an hour went by when Brandy left to give Jack a bath, leaving me alone. I don't mind, but I am getting bored. I decide to go back to our room, I'm sure mom wont mind if I grab my book. 

As I'm reaching for the door knob I hear a man's voice, "Go clean up, I paid extra money to have you twice." I don't get what they could be doing, we don't have any stuff to sell. I push the door open and become very confused. 

A man I faintly recognize is sitting in our bed, he's wearing a white tank top and only underwear. His head snaps in my direction, he looks irritated at first, but then he smiles, showing off yellow-stained teeth. "Now what's your name handsome?"

Handsome. That's what mom called me, because I'm a boy. 

"I-I'm Levi, where's mom?" I ask warily, something doesn't feel right.

He lights up even more, "Oh you're Olympia's kid? Well she's in the washroom right now," he pats the spot next to him, "Come here."

I'm sure if mom trusts him to be here then I shouldn't worry. I pad across the room and jump up. He stares at me for a moment before tugging my shirt, "This looks good on you, where did you get it?"

"Um it's mom's," I pause for a moment, "Mister, why are you here?"

He chuckles while pulling me into his lap, instinctively I try to pull away, he smells. "Now, now, don't be like that, I'm a friend of your mom's, I won't hurt you." At the end he runs his hands through my hair, something mom always does to comfort me so I relax. "And I'm here to help your mom feel good, do you want to feel good too?" His hand moves from my hair and cups my face, running his thumb across my lips.

Something hard presses against my leg and I go to look down but his hand forces me to look at him. I'm so confused as to what is happening, adults don't look at me the way he is right now. Panic starts to set in, I don't like this man, he's scaring me.

"Sir please let go, I-I need to l-leave." This time I use more force to push away, but his grip just tightens even more, digging his nails into my flesh. I cry out, punching his arm and kicking out my legs.

Rough Edges (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora