↪Scenario no 15↪

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Hunter stuck his tongue out slightly as he concentrated on his task at hand.

"Shit." Hunter cursed as he accidentally dropped something on the floor and bent down to pick it up.

Honey stared at the object her father dropped then stared directly at him with innocent doll eyes.

As Hunter successfully grabbed the object he dropped,

He placed the object on the table,only to make eye contact with his daughter.

"Shh…" Honey drawled out,tilting her head to the side curiously.

"Hah,no,no." Hunter nervously laughed as he slowly neared his daughter.

"Shhiii…" Honey taunted her father with a smirk on her face.

"NO! no,it's bad.No,you can't say it." Hunter immediately interrupted the four years old.

"Why'd you say it dwen?" Honey narrowed her eyes and frowned at her father.

"Because,Daddy dropped something and Daddy was very upset." Hunter slowly explained,sweat dripping down the side of his face.

"Oh,okay." Honey went away and Hunter sighed in relief.

"Okay!" Hunter breathed out in relief only to stare at his daughter confused.

Honey showed her father an eyeglass and dropped it infront of him with a mischievous smile.

"Shit!" Said Honey and laughed happily as she skipped off to the living room.

"No." Hunter groaned and slapped his forehead.


Hunter flinched and slowly turned around only to find his wife/husband,Y/n smile at him scarily as flames of fury surrounded her/his body.

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