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Esperanza's POV

"You've been so quiet." I remarked to Luke, ignoring my racing heart. "What, still blame yourself for Goldie's death?"

"Oh, n-no." Luke stammered, seemingly snapping out of it. "I just, um, nice weather."

"Luke, it's raining." I said, amused, pointing to the heavy downpour outside. "C'mon. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong is that I'm in love with two people at once!" he burst out, then slapped a hand over his mouth.

Could one of those people be me? My heart beat even faster.

"I already know about Sammy, so who's the other one?" I grinned. "Jasper? He's got a girlfriend too, you know."

"No! It's not Jasper. It's...you." Luke admitted quietly.

For a moment I was stunned. Of course I'd liked him since we were small, but I'd constantly teased him to hide my feelings. So he still liked me after all this?

"You can leave now." Luke sighed.

"Why would I leave?" I stared at him, sea green eyes obscured by thick rimmed glasses.

"Everyone I love does. And not just the romancing kind of love." Luke rubbed at his eyes beneath his glasses. "Sammy, my sister, and now...you."

"You are such a scaredy-cat." I pulled his face close and kissed him.

He tried to say something, but failed. I had dreamt of this moment, but never imagined it would really happen. But here I was, kissing Luke Jackson.

I didn't care that his face was wet with tears, or that he was shorter than I was, so I had to bend down. All I cared about at that moment was him.

"So you like me? I thought you hated me!" Luke's voice was astonished as I pulled away.

"Uh, duh, stupid. Or why do you think I just kissed you?" I teased. Luke went red.

Zoë's POV

Two months later~

"Happy birthday Zoë and Luke, happy birthday to you!" Everyone was singing.

I smirked at my twin brother. He smirked back.

As if by some unseen force, we jostled each other out the way at the same moment. Crashing into each other, we fell onto the floor, and Silena took the chance to blow out most of the candles.

"Silena!" I yelled. My sister giggled.

"I saved some for you." she said cheekily. Boy, for a twelve and a half year old, she sure acted like a toddler.

I sighed and helped Luke up to his feet. Our friends and family were laughing all around us. Silena stuck her tongue out at us and ran away.

"C'mon bro. Seriously this time." I smiled at him.

Since the "incident", I had cold-shouldered Luke for weeks, talking when only necessary. But then somehow, two months ago, he went into my room and actually apologized to me!

I was shocked, of course. But I forgave him anyway, because he is my brother.

As I looked around the room before blowing out the candles with Luke. My boyfriend Sammy, my best friend Esperanza, now Luke's girlfriend, Jasper with his girlfriend Connie Stoll, Dad and Mom, my grandparents Grandma Sally, Grandpa Paul, and even Grandad Frederick. Everyone I love in one place.

Hope can be surprising sometimes. Hope lets you believe that one day, things can and will get better. Hope means a better, brighter future.

I nodded to my brother, and we blew out our remaining candles together.

~the end~

AN: Lol, or maybe not! There's still a special chapter waiting for you...

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