💔Heartbreak(Part 3)💔

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Sammy's POV


"What, Luke?" I said, spinning around in my swivel chair. He'd been acting weird ever since he saw Zoë and I kiss.

"I just thought you should know this..." he said awkwardly, trailing off. "I'm bi."

"Oh, I---wow. Okay." I said, shrugging. "Hey, you're my best friend and all! I won't judge you or anything, if you're worried about that."

"Thanks, but um, there's more." Luke sighed.

"You can tell me." I said reassuringly.

Luke made a face. "This is going to sound really weird, but---I'm in love with you. And you just happen to be dating my sister."

The atmosphere in the room immediately tensed.

"Luke---I---okay, how can I put this gently? Well, I'm straight, so...um, if there's even a chance of us, it's gonna be a very small chance." I said quietly.

My best friend nodded. He didn't seem sad or anything. "I expected you to say that." he said seriously. "And well, what can I say? At least I'm not rolling on the floor blubbering."

I managed a weak smile as I looked at him, but I didn't say anything.

"Maybe in another world, another universe, we would have a chance." Luke continued softly. "But here? We can only be friends."

"Luke---" I began, but he stood up and walked to the door.

"Bye, Sammy." he murmured as the door closed behind him.

Jasper's POV

"I'm sorry---"

"Just shut up. I'm not talking to you, remember?" came the voice of Connie Stoll before I even had a chance to finish my sentence.

We were climbing up the lava wall, and for the thirteenth time today she had cut me off.

I'd rather she yelled at me than ignore me. Heck, I'd rather she pushed me off a cliff than refuse to even look at me.

"Just listen to me!" I cried in frustration.

She didn't look at me, just climbed and climbed. I followed her desperately.

"I'm really sorry, okay?" I screamed over the sound of rushing lava. "I'm sorry that I fucked another girl! I was drunk!"

By now we were almost at the top. I tried to catch up with her, panting, but she was climbing furiously.

I managed to catch up with her. "What do you want, Connie?" I pleaded.

To my surprise, she spun around, eyes blazing. "I don't know why Aphrodite made me love a guy like you." she said furiously. "All you did was break my heart, and however much I love you, I can't touch you ever again, you understand? Or you're gonna leave me helpless and broken-hearted as I watch you fuck other girls!"

She spat those last words, and I flinched. "Look, what I did was wrong, okay? Very wrong." I said seriously. "Can't you just give me another chance? I...fucked up. Bad."

"I know you did, Playboy." Connie sighed. For a moment it almost seemed back to normal, but then she turned away from me. "I wish we could be like a normal couple in love. But it's not possible. You're Mr. Popular, I'm nobody. You've fucked countless other girls, I haven't even lost my v-card yet. How can we make that work?"

"I thought you said you weren't talking to me." I made a weak attempt at a joke.

For a moment she smiled. "Well, it seems I just can't keep away."

That moment was magical. She leaned in, so close I could feel her warm breath on my face---

And pulled away. Shaking her head, Connie stood up. "T-This isn't right." she said firmly. "We're not a thing. I can't love you, you can't love me."

"But we can!" I threw my hands in the air, then sighed. "But I love you."

"So do I." she murmured. "But how can we love each other? It'll only destroy our relationship in the end. For good. It's best if we just...go."

"No, don't. Please. At least, can't you give me a second chance?" I pleaded again.

I watched her think. As the sunset, she glowed faintly, outlined with reddish glow, and hair blowing in the wind, she had never looked so beautiful.

"Fine---" she sighed, then cut off as I kissed her.

It wasn't exactly how I imagined my first kiss with the love of my life, sweaty, wearing climbing gear and standing on top of the lava wall, but the love was there. All those other girls, all the times I slept with them, was nothing compared to what I felt now.

I always thought the phrase "love at first sight" was a cliché, but now, kissing Connie Stoll, I knew it was true.

"I won't make the same mistake again." I murmured, looking at her intensely. "I promise."

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