Part One

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Fuming she paces around the room opening curtains and windows. Her first full weekend off in a month and he spends all Friday night working at his desk and then after work on Saturday he was home long enough to kiss her on the cheek before dashing out again with his friends. 
She checks her phone. Still nothing since the lone "gn xx" he sent at 2am. That was to be expected though, if that's when he went to bed she hardly expects to hear from him until lunch time let alone at 8am.
Sighing in frustration she throws her phone onto the lounge chair and heads to the kitchen to make tea.

Curling up in that same chair, the phone now resting on the arm beside her she settles in with a book, dipping gingernuts into the steaming tea. She is two sentences in when her screen lights up, showing a new message from him.
You know what. He can wait. She thinks, and returns to reading.

Another two sentences and the screen lights up again. He's sent a second message.
Annoyed but curious, she opens them.

Him -Good morning x-

Him -I should be home in a couple of hours. I have a lot of work to get through today-

She rolls her eyes and slumps her head back against the cushions, discovering she had gotten her hopes up she's now annoyed AND disappointed. Feeling petty she sends,

Her -Huh, I hadn't even noticed you were gone-

She has enough time to place her phone down, have a mouthful of tea and open her book again when his replies light up her screen in quick succession,

Him -Excuse me?!?-

Him -Let me make myself more clear-

Him -I will be home in less than three hours. And you WILL be waiting for me-

Him -Start getting ready-

Anger building in her, she drops the book and starts typing a series of messages in reply.

Her -Excuse you?? EXCUSE ME!!!-

Her -Just who do you think you are talking to me like that??-

Her -What makes you thin......

The phone buzzes in her hands interrupting the flow of angry messages.

Him -Talk back to me again Missy and that will be Strike 1-

Floored, she stares at his latest message unsure how to respond.
Another pops onto her screen.

Him -If you're not ready by the time I'm home you're going to have perfect purple belt marks on your butt for a week-

A thrill of fear shoots through her as she pictures the brown leather belt he left wearing yesterday.
She chews on her lip as she deletes her half written message, now cautious, she responds.

Her -.......define ready?-

His reply is quick, like he knew what she would say.

Him -Finished working through all the instructions I'm about to give you-

She doesn't reply straight away, instead considers if the threat is a bluff or not.
No harm in seeing what he wants..

Her -What are the instructions...?-

Him -Have a shower, I want everything thoroughly cleaned and smooth. AS SOON AS you turn the water off message me. Do not do anything else. Do not even grab a towel-

Showering doesn't sound too bad, but what's the catch?

Her -What else?-

Him -I'll tell you as you complete them-

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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