What I Like About You

Start from the beginning

"But I can assure you that it's not true.... at all."

Just then, the elevator reached the ground floor. Both of us stepped outside. Upon confirming that no one else was around, I continued.

"I don't know how much you know about her but Horikita is someone who's not open to romance yet. Self-destructing because of jealousy is so not her."

"... Yeah... I know."

He's saying that but.....

"Are you perhaps worried that she might not be able to do well in this exam?"

"That's.... just a part of it actually..... No..... I mean, I'm not that worried about the exam since I know that she can handle it even without our help. So far, this exam is the easiest. It's like a normal written exam." 

Which was very unexpected.

If Tsukishiro planned to use this exam to expel more students, he should have made a much harder exam to make it harder for Horikita to defend and to protect the whole student body. Instead, he only made an exam that could make Horikita do everything that even my involvement is not needed.

What was he trying to do?

"I'm not that particularly worried that it could affect her performance during the exam as I know how strong she is but..... I could actually feel that her heart is so heavy right now..... Though she was trying so hard to hide it.... unlike me before."

Yosuke's expression hardened as he realized that what Horikita is facing right now is something much more serious just like what happened to him before.

"So you got to know that Horikita is dealing with something personal right now."

"Yeah..... I know that my relationship with her became much better but we never had a conversation beyond class conflict until yesterday. But even that, it wasn't about her, but about someone else."

And the only time that he was able to hear more about her was when she opened up to the whole class about the reason why she enrolled in this school which was to reconcile with her brother, Horikita Manabu.

"She did tell all of us a little about her life, but that's it. Sudo-kun is indeed close to her but I doubt he knows more than I do."

I think I already know where this is going.

"But out of everyone.... it's only you, Kiyotaka-kun, who I believe knows a lot about her."

"Sorry to tell you but, we're on the same boat, I guess."

Yosuke looked at me with a somewhat surprised look on his face.


"Yeah. Just like you and Sudo, Horikita and I only talk about exams and strategies for the class. Though, I admit that I might know something that everyone else doesn't know, but it's only a little. It's definitely not like what you imagined."

".... But.... maybe you could make her open up? Just like what you did to me and Karuizawa-san?"

As Yosuke's voice suddenly sounded pushy, I sighed a little and looked him in the eyes.

"... I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound pushy.... I'm also sorry if I'm trying to push the responsibility to you but-."

"It's okay. I mean, let me apologize also if I made it look like I didn't like it. It's just that..... the truth is, I already tried."

I interrupted him and said something that made his feet stop moving.

"You already did?"

I stopped walking also and answered him with a nod.

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