Mafia Husband Part 3

Start from the beginning


Maybe Ricky didn't exist. Aleks had told her several times that he wasn't real. Why would he lie to her? Aleksander Tchiviosky loved her. He may be a dangerous man, but he had proven himself to be a devoted husband. She was the one who had cheated.

Groaning, Sasha rolled over onto her side. The bedroom was spinning and twirling in and out of focus.

Aleks' distorted face came into view seconds before he pressed his lips to her forehead. "What's wrong?"

"Baby, these meds make me feel so sick," she complained.

Sighing, Aleks ran a squiggly hand through his crazy hair. He looked like he was standing in front of a funhouse mirror at a fair. When he turned toward her, his nose grew to the size of an orange and a snake tattoo crawled up his neck. "Okay," Aleks said. "I'll call doctor and ask heem to adjust meds."

The doctor she didn't know. "Thank you," she murmured. Sasha closed her eyes to keep from throwing up. Even the darkness behind her lids made her body feel like it was tumbling through an abyss.

She heard Aleks talking to someone, his voice sounding robotic. Then she felt his warm arms around her and the world stopped spinning. "I promeese we'll feegure thees out," he whispered against her temple. "I love you, Sasha."

Of course he did.


They were on the patio again. After a day of being drugged, Sasha was finally able to hold her head up. She stared at the sunset unable to appreciate the beautiful colors. Instead her eyes were trained on her husband who was swimming in the pool.

He was gorgeous. His entire body was a work of art. Deadly art. "Sasha," he called to her. "Come swim," he ordered.

She started to get up before she realized she didn't swim well. "You know I can't swim," she called back with a frown.

"I'll protect you," he insisted. "Come. Eet's good exercise."

"But I can't—"


Her heart was pounding in her throat when she pushed out of the chair. A part of her was screaming that she didn't know how to swim. But he was her devoted husband and he wouldn't hurt her. "I'll just put my feet in," she announced when she sat down on the edge of the pool. The water felt good on her legs.

Aleks frowned and swam toward her with powerful strokes. He treaded water next to her and ran his large hands up her calves. "Eet's been a while since you've come eento pool," he said when he looked up at her.

"It has," she shrugged. "I don't even have on a swimsuit."

"That deedn't stop you before. What's wrong? You don't trust me?" he asked with narrowed eyes.

Sasha rolled her eyes. "Of course I do. I still feel off from the meds," she explained. "I feel sluggish. And my weave is—Aargh!"

He had pulled her into the pool and she screamed seconds before she gurgled chlorine flavored water. "See," Aleks said seconds before he lifted her up. "I've got you."

Sasha coughed and tried not to choke. She swiped hair and water out of her face while trying to cling to Aleks at the same time. "That was shitty, Aleks," she said between gasps.

"Relax," he encouraged. Despite the cool water his body felt hot when he pulled her against him. "I've got you."

"You better," Sasha smacked his hard chest. "That fucking scared me!"

Aleks hummed. "Come on, keeck your feet."

After kicking around the pool a couple of times, Aleks helped her get out. The sun had set and she was starving for dinner so she went upstairs to shower and change into dry clothes.

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