I'll Miss You

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"Darling, I need to talk to you" Mary-Margaret said to her 17 years old daughter while sitting on the couch, patting the spot next to her.

"What's wrong?" the blonde asked sitting down on the couch next to her mother. Emma's smile became a frown when she realized that her mom was almost on the verge of tears.

"Hey mom, what's wrong? What happened?" Emma asked concerned, taking her mother's hands into hers.

Mary-Margaret pulled away to wipe a tear that threatened to roll down her cheek and started to speak.

"I have a bad news Emma, today I got fired" the brunette explained, her eyes glued on her and her daughter's hands.

"How's that possible?" Emma asked, her face only showing disbelief.

Her mother has been working in the same office since she can remember and nothing ever happened to give her boss a reason to fire her. Mary-Margaret was one of the sweetest people Emma knew.

"Some documents have been stolen and someone told him that I was the one who stole them. Now he believes I'm a thief!" Mary-Margaret said in one breath, tears now wetting her cheeks.

Emma hugged her and tried to reassure, but it was useless.

Mary-Margaret was desperate.

"Don't worry mom, I'll look for a part-time job and I'll help you till you find a new job, we'll be alright" the blonde said with a weak smile.

Mary-Margaret shook her head and spoke again "Don't be ridiculous Emma, you're only 17! You need to think about school and enjoying your life" the brunette said, giving the girl back a smile.


"Hey dad" Emma said to the phone while preparing to go to bed. "Hey sweetie" the man replied, happiness in his voice.

"whoa dad, you sound excited, you need to tell me something? Is Kathryn pregnant?" she asked a little confused.

Her dad and Kathryn have been together for almost five years now and, to Emma, they look cute together. They met one day at work and it's been love at first sight.

"Oh c'mon Emma, you perfectly know why I'm excited!". This made Emma even more confused.

After a couple of seconds of silence David spoke again "I'm happy because finally we'll see each other again".

"What do you mean?" Emma asked while plopping down on her bed.

"Your mother didn't told you, did she?" David asked with a sigh.

"Your mother and I made the decision that you will live here in Storybrooke for a while Emma. It's a difficult moment for her and she can't afford to take care of you now"

Emma hung up without even saying goodbye to her dad and ran out of her room.

"Mom!" she yelled, making the petite woman flinch.

"Emma, why are you yelling like this? You scared me" Mary-Margaret said, her right hand placed over her heart.

"Why I'm yelling?! Why didn't you tell me about dad, and Storybrooke, an-and the decision you two made about my life without even asking my opinion?" Emma shouted, her chest rising and falling with anger.

She did like her dad and his girlfriend and she also liked Storybrooke, even tho she's been there only a few times, but here in New York she had her life, her friends, her classmates. And she was going to loose everything because their parents decided that "it was better this way" for her.

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