The expedition

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Chapter 10

{Levi POV}

Eren and Mikasa have been acting really strange. I asked Commander Erwin if he knew what was up with them. He said no. I asked Hange to and she also didn't know. I started to think that maybe it's just because their teenagers. We were riding on our horses. Hange decided to come with us on our expedition. 

We were going towards the forest as titans were spotted here. I said," Alright everyone! We're getting close! Split up! Sasha and Armin, you are together! Connie and Jean, you are together! Ackerman and Jeager, you are together! Everyone stick together! Hange, you are with me! Stock close to your partner and be careful! We don't need anymore scouts dying!" I heard everyone say," Yes Sir!" Hange said," Hey Shorty! I'll take care of you!" 

I said," Whatever. Just please be careful!" Hange replied," I'll be alright, don't worry!" I said," Alright everyone, within a couple feet, we'll reach it! When I say 'dismount' then you will all dismount! Go in different directions! I trust you'll all be alright!" 

I heard Petra yell," We'll be fine, Captain!" That girl always said that. I seriously keep a close eye on her. I don't trust that she'll be okay. She was 1 of the first people to join my squad, therefore, I wanna keep her close and safe. We entered the forest. I yelled," Alright! Dismount!" 

Everyone dismounted their horses. I went with Hange. I landed on a branch. I wanted to see where everyone was going. Jean and Connie went west. Armin and Sasha went east. Eren and Mikasa went north-east. My squad-friends went north-west. And the rest of them went straight. I said," Hange, we should leave." Hange asked," Why are we even standing here?" I said," I wanna see where everyone is going." 

She said," Alright, let's go. But the question is, in which direction?" I said," Follow me! We're going north, with the rest of the squad!" She said," There's no need to shout! We're alone. There's also no need to use that commanding voice around me." I said," Fine, let's just go." Hange nodded and we left. I looked into the tree tops. Not sooner we bumped into titans. Hange said," Levi, let me take them." 

I nodded and followed her. Hange got onto a tree and looked at the titans. She smiled brightly and said," Hey titans! Would you like to be my new best friends-" She grabbed my head and ruffled my hair," Other than this dude!" The titans stared at us. I said," Hange, we should kill them, immediately." She sighed," Fine." She laughed and shot her ODM gear. She said," Don't worry! It'll be over in a second!" She killed the titans quickly. I said," Alright, let's continue!" She nodded. 

<Armin POV>

I had gone east with Sasha. We had dismounted our horses. I said," Sasha, be careful!" She said," S-Sure!" She sounded quite unsure. I laughed slightly,"  Well, if you do survive, then I won't let anyone prevent you from letting you eat!" She screamed, loudly," YES! I'LL SURVIVE AND EAT SO MUCH FOOD WHEN WE GET BACK!" 

She went faster. I shouted," Sasha! Don't waste your gas!" She stopped on a branch and said," Yeah! Sorry! That never crossed my mind!" I said," That's fine, just be careful!" We left and went to kill titans. A titan had grasped my from behind. 

I screamed," Sasha! Help me!" Sasha turned around and I looked at her. She looked really scared, but she didn't hesitate to kill the titan. I landed on a branch, breathing hard. I said," Thanks Sasha." Sasha said," Sure, anytime! I'm just glad you're okay!" I nodded and we continued.

^Connie POV^

I had left west with Jean. Jean has been complaining about Eren and Mikasa being together. Jean whined," Why does Eren get to be with Mikasa! I want to be with her!" I said," Remember, Eren and Mikasa's body are switched!" 

He said," I don't care! I want to be with Mikasa!" I rolled my eyes," Stop being a baby! Let's just go!" After a while of killing titans. We ran into Armin and Sasha. The 4 of us continued killing titans together, even though Captain said we shouldn't. I asked," How many titans did you guys kill so far?" Sasha said," We killed 3 together and I killed 1 solo." 

Armin said," Yeah, I kinda didn't kill any solo. I'm really weak." I laughed and said," Don't worry! Jean also doesn't have a solo kill!" Jean hit my head. He shouted," Connie! You said you wouldn't tell anyone!" I said," Oops! I forgot!" Jean said," I will kill titans solo all from now on! Not with any help from you guys!" 

I said," Come on Jean, I'm sorry!" Jean looked away," No!" Armin said," Anyway, how many titan kills do you guys have?" I said," Well, We have 4 kills together, Jean doesn't have a solo kill-" Jean screamed," YOU CAN STOP SAYING THAT!" I said," Okay! Jeez! Calm down!" Sasha asked," How many kills do you have solo, Connie?" I said," I have 2 kills solo." Sasha said," Wow! 2 kills! That's amazing!" I blushed. I had a huge crush on Sasha, and I have for a long time.


I had gone straight with the rest of the squad. Orou was saying," I'm so amazing! Don't forgot that I have the most kills here!" I said," You're trying to be like the Captain again, aren't you?" Eld said," Honestly Orou, you should give up. We're all pretty much getting annoyed with you. Am I right guys?" We all nodded our heads. Orou said," I understand you guys, but all the new people shouldn't be saying that." 

I said," Orou, you'll never be the Captain." Orou closed his eyes and said," Just wait until-" He bit his tongue and we say blood. I said," Good. I hope you bleed out next time!" 1 of the new scouts said," You shouldn't say that!" I rolled my eyes," 

He deserves it." The others agreed with me. We continued going straight and eventually knocked into the Captain and Second Commander Hange.  I said," Captain, Second Commander! Over here!" They came over. Captain asked," Hey guys! How many titans have you all killed and how many died!" I said," Together we killed 20 titans. Solo, I killed 3, Oruo killed 6 (cause he kept biting his tongue), Gunther killed 6 and Eld killed 5." 

Second Commander Hange said," Well done everyone!" Captain said," And how many died?" I said," Only 17." Second Commander Hange shouted," That's amazing! That's way less than usual! I'm proud of all of you!" Captain straightened his face and said," Not yet. Look ahead of us." He pointed in front of us. There was an abnormal titan. Captain said," Hange, wanna deal with this, just the 2 of us?" 

Second Commander Hange said," Yeah! First abnormal titan! Can I kill it!" The Captain said," Sure, if you want!" Second Commander shouted," Yeah!" And killed the titan with the Captain not far behind. We were going back when Second Commander asked," Any of you see the others, like Jean or Connie or Eren or Mikasa or Sasha?" We shook our head. " No, we haven't seen them." Just then, we heard screaming coming from the trees. 

We looked and saw scouts coming out! There was an abnormal titan chasing them! Captain killed it immediately. We saw it was Armin, Sasha, Jean and Connie. When the Captain had killed the titan, Second Commander Hange said," Well, we found, Connie, Sasha, Jean and Armin-" She then asked Armin," Hey Armin, have you seen Eren and Mikasa? Are they not with you?" He answered," No, we didn't see them. I thought you guys wouldn't found them." Sasha said," So we don't know where Mikasa and Eren are?" 

I said," Don't worry! We'll run into them sooner or later!" Captain then said," Let's go look for the horses. I trust Petra's thought that we'll run into them sooner or later." We all said," Yes Sir!" We went to look for our horses. Maybe we should've looked for Eren and Mikasa. Maybe it was a bad idea. I didn't know whether it was an idea...........until later.

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