Kokichi and Shuichi's school incedent.

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"He seems way more... affectionate than usual." I thought to myself.

This realization made 100 more questions pop up in my head. It was insane.

I wish I didn't over think stuff and form so many possibilities in my head and questions in my head. It was annoying. My mind just wouldn't shut up.

All I could think about was the thousands of possibilities, Kokichi sleeping on me, and my childhood friend, Fin.

Since Kokichi is sleeping on me, he may have grown more comfortable around me. Or maybe... he might have read right through me. I hope he hasn't figured it out, that would be awful.

I then looked at Kokichi.

What am I supposed to tell him when the time comes? How would I confess?... Well maybe I don't have to. maybe it will.. wear off in a couple days.

And what will I tell Fin? What if he doesn't support me? What if things get messed up? Wait- why am I thinking such horrible things?... maybe these negative thoughts are why I'm feeling stressed and worried all the time. Well maybe if I try and talk to Fin, that will take my mind off of everything.

So, I looked over at Fin and semi-shouted his name.

"Fin!" I yelled.

Fin jumped and looked at me.

"Ah, yeah?"

"Wanna talk? Since Kokichi is asleep?" I asked him.

"Oh uh... sure thing dude." He replied as he scooted closer to my seat. He was on the right side and, he wasn't but 3 seats behind me so it wasn't too much trouble.

"So uh.. since I don't have much to talk about, there is one thing that came to mind." Fin stated with a soft tone.

"Oh, what is it?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Well I've been wanting to tell you for years but I could never gather the courage to.." he hesitated to speak but he then gathered the courage to speak. He smiled and started to talk again.

"I'm gay. If you don't accept that, we might as well not be fr-" he was cut off by me saying one of my secrets.

"Oh! Me too." I giggles "I'm in love with one of my friends."

Fin then looked shocked.

"OOO who?" He asked.

"Well uh you're looking at him." I replied.

"You're in love with... you?" He asked with a puzzled face.

"No you idiot," I joked "the other person." I finished.

"Ohhhh! Yeah. That should've been obvious." He laughed at his dumb moment.

I then laughed with him.

After that short conversation, the bus came to a full stop and the doors swung open.

I looked at Kokichi.

"He looks so peaceful when he sleeps..." I said under my breath.

I then woke him up, feeling bad for interrupting his well needed rest.

Himiko's Love Spell (Saioma :D)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن