A nerve racking first day of school.

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Today was Shuichi's first day of school, he was very nervous because of the love potion situation, and the fact that it was the first day of school.
(The year he will graduate)

Shuichi's POV

It was the first day of school, I was so nervous... I was nervous due to the fact that this was the year I graduate, and about the situation.

I got dressed in my school uniform, left my room, and went to eat breakfast.

While I was eating breakfast, my uncle knew something was up because of the slight change in my mood.

My uncle looked at me.

"Hey Shuichi, you alright? You are more quiet than usual.." My uncle Saihara said with concern.

"O-oh it's nothing.. just nervous for the first day of school you know." I lied.

"Oh alright, well I hope you have a good day bud." My uncle cheered.

"Thanks uncle Saihara." I smiled, grateful for his good attitude.

I then finished my breakfast, got my backpack, and left for school.

I finally got to school and checked the schedule I was handed by the headmaster of the school.

Shuichi Saihara's schedule

First period; room 3A English
Second period; room 1B Mathematics
Third period; room 8B Science
Fourth period; room 6A Art
Lunch period
Fifth period; Building 2, room 1D, Gym
Sixth period; room 10B Technology
Seventh period; room 1C Culinary
Eighth period; room 4C Choir


"Aw man... I got English for first period again? I hate English." I groaned.

I then walked over to the locker my headmaster told me where it was, and put all of my books in there and took only the stuff I needed for English and put them in my backpack.

I then walked to the English classroom and sat at a desk that wasn't taken yet.

I then sat and looked around at all of the people in the classroom. I saw all of the same people I had last year.

And then... I saw Kokichi sit behind me.

"Neeheehee! Hey Saihara!" Kokichi cheered.

I blushed. "U-uhm... hey?.." I said, unsure if I should've answered.

"Wow, what a weeeeeird coincidence that we're in the same first period class! Haha!" Kokichi laughed mischievously.

I then gave an annoyed look.
"K-Kokichi. We're in the same class because our last names are close together in the alphabet." I sighed.

"OOOO but wanna know what will make them closer?????" Kokichi asked with a creepy smile.

"Ugh... what?" I asked annoyed.

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