Kira took the rose and thanked the bartender before turning back to Charlotte to see her smiling like a little kid on Christmas. "That is so cute! Now I think I'm leaning away from wanting you and Drew to be together." She said as Kira just looked at the rose. "It is a pretty rose and the drink is a nice gesture since its non-alcoholic as well." Kira said smiling as she held the rose.

"And it looks like two boys have their direct attention on you!" Charlotte squealed which caused Kira to look. Drew was looking at her with a look of jealousy or anger, while Kira looked behind her to surprisingly see Marcel looking at her with a happy smile on his face. It was short lived for the man however seeing as his friends started to tease and joke around with him which in return made Kira smile. "Who knew the day that you would genuinely smile would be the day that someone bought you a rose." Charlotte said making them both giggle before toasting with their glasses and drinking their drink.

The boys however noticed the rose in their friends hands which caused them all to get up and run to the girl, with Drew trailing behind still furious.

"Who gave you that?!" Adam and Roderick yelled. "Calm down psychos. It's just a little rose." Kira said as she held the rose behind her back to prevent her friends from stealing it. "Whoever did that, must be a nice person or must really like you." Kyle said since he was curious on who was trying to swoon his friend. "Take notes boys, you can use these moves on your girlfriends and wives." Kira retorted as she pointed at each of them.

"But whoever had the guts to do that, man props to them." Bobby started before picking up her drink to taste it, "Non-Alcoholic too?! Man how does this dude know you like these drinks?" 

"Wait, you said non-alcoholic? Okay now I'm starting to like this guy whoever he is." Adam said which made the girls laugh. Kira noticed Ripley and Nox were sitting at a table chatting so she excused herself from her friends to sit with them. This caused Charlotte and the boys to dance and have some more fun while Roderick and Drew sat together trying to collect their thoughts.

"Hey ladies, long time no see!" Kira said as she sat down with the two women. "Well look at you, all happy. Haven't seen this version of you in awhile." Rhea said which made the girl chuckle, "Well, I happened to get a rose." Kira said as she pulled out the rose that she hasn't let go of since she got it.

"Oo, who's the guy who gave it to you? Was it McIntyre?" Tegan asked intrigued. "Surprisingly not McIntyre but, I don't mind the other guy who bought it for me." Kira replied.

"So I'm tolerable? I'll accept it." Marcel said as he approached the table the 3 ladies were sitting at. "So you did get this rose for me. Not bad technical wrestler." Kira said as she looked at him. Rhea and Tegan were watching this interaction with amusement as they sipped their drinks. Marcel took the rose from Kira's hands and delicately placed it onto her ear as he tucked a strand of her hair out of the way. 

He backed up after he placed the rose onto her hair and smiled at her before walking off to rejoin his friends. Kira however was unaware of the smile growing on her face along with the 2 people that were watching her since she was watching Marcel walk back with his friends before leaving the club with them since Fabian and Walter seemed a little tipsy.

"Girl, that was so cute." Rhea said which caused Kira to look at her. "It was not. He was just being polite." 

"I think you mean, he was being very gentlemanly." Tegan said which made them all laugh. "Whatever, I think I will call it a night however cause Charlotte looks a little over drunk." Kira said as she waved at her friends and helped Charlotte leave the club. 

Once she made sure that Charlotte was all buckled up, she went to the driver side of her car before someone appeared behind her and spun her around so she couldn't open the door.

"What are you doing Drew?" Kira said as she pushed him back freeing herself from his grasp right at the same time that Roderick found the two outside. "I'm not letting you go! You got all happy because some guy gave you a flower and a drink? I can do it too, if you give me a second chance!" He yelled and Roderick went to grab his arm to pull him back from doing anything stupid to Kira.

"Drew, you left me when I was hurt! How do you think I feel huh?! To me not staying by my side and leaving when I was in pain is worse than cheating!" Kira started, "You really are worse than my ex. Here you are trying to what? Beg me with the 'i'm sorry give me another chance'? I'm not some gulliable little girl!" She yelled at the end and punched Drew right in the face.

"I refuse to get stuck in another relationship that will hurt me even more." and with that Kira got into her car and drove off to her apartment with tears coming down her face.


surprise look who's back and updated a new chapter :)

recent news from me is I have literally aged up another year

 new drama has appeared and there is a new love interest for Kira!

Are you guys Team Krew or Team Karcel?

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