14 | Undisputed Protection

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As Charlotte, Io, Roddy, Adam, Bobby and Kyle carefully escorted their friend to the trainers, Kofi, Woods, Asuka, Braun, Kairi and Drew were currently running down to the trainers. Io and Charlotte stayed in the room with Kira as the Undisputed boys stayed outside the room as bodyguards.

Once Asuka, Kairi, Kofi, Woods and Drew made it down there they all saw what condition their friend was in. "I'ma kill that little lowlife." Woods said. "Couldn't agree with you more." Asuka and Kairi said.

Kofi hadn't said anything yet because he was more worried about Kira's health than trying to get revenge on the dude who caused her this pain. Drew on the other hand didn't know what to do. He was currently blaming himself about everything that happened to Kira and he was silently thinking about doing something that he'd probably get a lot of hate for.

"I've never thought I'd say this but, I wish you guys beat him down harder." Kyle said to Roddy, Adam and Bobby which caused everyone to laugh a bit. Kyle would always find a way to boost the morale for Kira's friends no matter what.

They all turned their attention towards the opening door, as they watched a very bruised and beaten Kira get helped out by Io and Charlotte. "Thanks for the help boys. I really appreciate it." Kira said as Adam, Bobby and Kyle nodded while Roddy said, "You know we got your back, your like our little sister." This caused Kira to smile. She stayed back a little bit longer to talk and explain the situation to Asuka, Braun, Kairi, Kofi, Woods and Drew.

She was now chilling in her room as Io and Charlotte went to get some takeout and the Undisputed Boys went to call their significant others to explain to them about Kira being okay. She had already met Marina and Britt along with Kyle and Bobby's wives and they all loved Kira and were worried when they saw what happened to her which made Kira's heart only miss them more.

She heard a knock on her door so she got up, limping a tiny bit as she made her way to the door. She opened it to be faced with a one McIntyre, who didn't look quite excited in her doorway. "Hey, what happened?" She said as she stepped aside letting Drew into her room.

"We should break up." He said finally looking into Kira's eyes. "What? Why?" She asked only staring at him. "I wasn't able to protect ya and your asking why?! Look at ya! Your injured and in pain, yet I couldn't help ya because I didn't know!" He shouted.

"I didn't know either Drewsky! Nobody knew this was gonna happen to me?!" She shouted back with the same force. Now she had tears coming down her face as she said this. "Fine. You want to huh? Then I guess so be it." Kira said as she pointed to her door and hesitantly Drew walked to the door leaving her room. He knew it was bad to leave her especially in the state she was in now, but he blamed himself.

Kira collasped onto the ground in her room as she cried her eyes out. The Undisputed boys came back into her room and upon seeing the girl crying on the floor, they instantly ran to her giving her a group hug. "What happened, Key?" Adam asked. "Drew broke up with me.." She cried as she said the words. "What!" They all shouted.

"I'ma kill him. I'm gonna seriously kill him." Kyle said as he got up. "I'll join you." Bobby said and just as they were about to leave the room, Roddy stood up.

"Guys relax. He probably blames himself for the condition that Kira is in now." He said as he pointed to the crying girl that Adam was hugging. "I agree, guys think rationally here. If this happened to either of your wives or girlfriends, then we'd probably do the same thing he did." Adam said. Both him and Roddy hoped to have talked some sense into their friends, which luckily they did.

The rest of the night and week following up to Survivor Series was spent with them comforting Kira and Io was showering her best friend with candies and movies.

To say Kira was completely lost was an understatement.

She had currently walked into the arena that was going to be used for Survivor Series and had decided to go searching for Adam Pearce. She knew what she was gonna do was going to be incredibly stupid considering the work she had to do to earn that title, but it was too painful for her. She knew that she spent all her hard work and time to earn that title alongside Drew, which made her believe that she didn't want to be champion if her and Drew weren't on speaking terms, let alone being together.

She knocked on the door and once she heard a, "Come in!" she went inside the room. Pearce looked up as Kira took a seat in a chair in front of his desk. "Ah Kira, is everything alright? How can I help you?" He asked.

She took a deep breath, "I can't be champion anymore." she said bluntly which took Pearce by surprise. "I want to know if I can relinquish my title right as Survivor Series starts tonight?"

Pearce thought for a bit, "May I ask why?"

"I just feel like I really need to go back to NXT.. I think I'd do better there then I can maybe come back to the main roster another time." She said which caused him to nod.

"Alright, so how about this? You can relinquish your title, but you can choose and give your title to whoever you think will fit being champion better." He said and Kira nodded, "Okay, thank you so much."

Kira had gotten up and shook his hand before leaving the room.

Kira spent the next few hours up until 8:00 pm, debating who she wanted to give the title to. She knew it would be a hard night for her, but she knew it was the right decision.

She walked to the gorilla before stepping out as her music played, the audience cheered as well as Io, Adam, Bobby, Kyle and Roddy who were sat in the audience. Kira went into the ring and grabbed a microphone as she raised it to her mouth.

"Hey everyone. Your all probably wondering why I'm out here and not in my ring gear. Well that's because I have an announcement to make." She said which caused her NXT friends to frown in confusion along with the audience. Her friends backstage were curious as to what she was going to say along with Drew who watched the show from his locker room with Braun.

"First, I would like to ask Charlotte to come out to the ring." Kira said and Charlotte's theme music began playing as she walked down to the ring. She didn't grab a mic as she turned to Kira in the ring. "You have been the best person, I could have met when I arrived to the main roster a few months ago. I know that what I'm about to do is going to leave questions, but I wouldn't want to leave this division without a true champion." This caused Charlotte, everyone in the audience and backstage to raise their eyebrows in confusion.

"I hereby relinquish my RAW Women's Championship to you, Charlotte. Make sure you do Raw proud tonight by winning the match against Sasha." Kira said as she dropped the mic and hugged Charlotte before handing her the title. The fans were shocked but none-the-less shouted, "Devil!" as she made her way backstage.

Her friends were left shocked by her actions but more importantly Drew, Braun, Asuka and Kairi were more shocked to see what their friend did.


hi hi that's all folks for Act I of Heartless Devil! bet ya'll didn't see that coming.

if your wondering why I only said, "Drew, Braun, Asuka and Kairi were shocked" it was because Kofi and Woods had an idea on what Kira was doing since during the few hours she debated she told them about what she was doing and asked for their input on who to make champion.

Io and the Undisputed Era however didn't have an overly shocked expression like the Kabuki Warriors, Braun and Drew only because they were outside in the audience and had a rough idea as well when Kira said, "I wouldn't want to leave this division without a true champion."

anywayss super long A/N I know.

for a lil teaser about what Act II will hold, it will mostly or will all take place in the good ol' NXT because we love that brand.

This is yo fav author signing out until ACT II BEGINS!

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