After Bella left, Crowley and Aziraphale stepped out in the hallway, leaving Gabriel alone with Eden.

"Gabe, everything is going to be okay." Eden murmured. The Archangel was just as devastated at the news that Eden was still in danger of....

"I don't want to lose you again....I just got you back..." Gabriel rasped as their foreheads touched.

"I'm not going anywhere, you worrywart. Now enough of this, let's talk about Christmas!" Her blue serpentine eyes, which had been dull with fever and pain for so long, lit up with excitement as she cracked another smile.

Although his stomach was still knotted with worry, the Archangel couldn't help but smile. "I would like that very much Eden."

To Crowley's surprise, Aziraphale was holding it together as they talked quietly in the hallway. "We'll just decorate her room. We'll move our sleeping bag out of the corner and put the Christmas tree there. And I already talked with Bella about other possible foods that Eden can eat and I already have a special meal in mind for her on Christmas, even New Years."

Crowley on the other hand, wasn't doing so well. He was hoping for some good news. For once. His hands were trembling again and even clenching his fists wasn't helping.

"Crowley you're trembling again." Aziraphale murmured as he took Crowley by the hands and clasped them tightly.

Crowley couldn't find the words but he didn't need to. Aziraphale led him back into Eden's room, the only thing that would put the demon at ease at the moment, being with their daughter.

Bad Omens: An Ineffable Christmas (Novella)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon