"Look Gabe, the feathers have finally grown back!" Eden said happily as she lifted her now fully healed wing. The deep gash that she had received from the flaming sword was gone and at long last healed and he couldn't help but admire the newly grown black feathers.

"I'm glad to see you in such a good mood today Eden." Gabriel replied as he watched Bella gently remove the bandages that were wrapped around her head. After a brief examination Bella then turned to Eden's splinted arm and carefully removed it from the sling and then the splint itself.

Gabriel moved out of the way when Eden's parents approached the bedside, clearly anxious to ask Bella questions.

"How is she?" Crowley demanded while Aziraphale grasped Eden's good hand tightly.

"Well, as you can see, her arm and her head injury are healed. But she needs to rebuild the strength in that arm before she can use it again, and be careful so she won't aggravate that stomach wound. And I'm not entirely sure, but she may have suffered some internal damage in her skull or even brain from that head injury...."

"She has mentioned feeling dizzy every now and then...." Aziraphale rasped.

Bella nodded. "I'll do some research to see if I can think of something that may help her with that, but there is only so much I can do....." Crowley and Aziraphale exchanged a glance, they were reluctant to seek out help from outside their circle of human allies.

"What about her stomach wound?" Crowley asked, "It doesn't seem to be healing based off of what we've seen."

"It is, just very slowly. I wish I was an expert on supernatural weapons but I'm afraid I'm not. All we can do is what we've been doing and make sure Eden continues to get plenty of rest."

"Is she still in danger?" Aziraphale's voice was tight as he squeezed Eden's hand. Eden gave him a reassuring smile, she wasn't in a lot of pain today and she didn't want her parents to worry.

"I'm afraid so, this holy fire you mentioned.....there's no way of knowing its effects on her body. All we can do is hope for the best."

Bad Omens: An Ineffable Christmas (Novella)Where stories live. Discover now