Chapter 6

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In a world where death is a constant visitor, knocking on random doors, a man must be mindful of the desires that his heart yearns for.

When a person has a neighborhood rival on the streets, these feuds are abandoned, when they are placed in a situation that they must ride with their city, or stand-alone against their state.

Pluto had to learn that lesson the hard way...

After three months in the unit, Pluto and Swaylo became acquainted through their mutual love for gambling.

Huddled about the western wall, behind the obstruction of student bleachers in the gym, a dice game was set in motion.

There were close to twenty guys gathered amongst the circle.

Pluto had slipped a pair of loaded dice in the game, and Swaylo who had peeped the play, rode with him; to cash in on a win.

There were fourteen guys from various regions about the state, involved in the game.

Eight from Savannah. Three from Augusta. Two from Macon. And one kid from Columbus.

To be caught cheating was a punishable offense.

C-Murder was leaned against the bleachers, watching Swaylo's back.

Had not Swaylo jumped into the fight, Pluto would have been fighting that battle alone.

C-Murder jumped in, due to Swaylo being involved.

But they were still a group of three against fourteen.

Just when it seemed as if they were about to wear an epic ass-whipping,

Bald Bull transformed that altercation into a monumental legacy.

The sight of Ball Bull moving through the crowd, like a wrecking ball crushing dollhouses was amazing.

Every kid he hit, crumbled to the floor in an avalanche of limbs.

Standing a solid six-five, two seventy, Ball Bull was a teenager who struck fear into the heart, akin to being confronted by a grizzly in the wilderness.

The bond that began that day was built upon Pluto's relationship with Swaylo.

Pluto understood that without his link to Swaylo the relationship between C-Murder, Bald Bull, and Mickey Valentine would dissolve into nonexistence.

But the reunion that was made with Swaylo had him excited.

If he had to build a dream team of criminal affiliates, Swaylo would be at the top of his list.

When Swaylo entered the vehicle, he stole a quick kiss from Charmaine's cheek.

"I didn't appreciate that little stunt that you pulled last night..."

He whispered into her ear.

"I didn't expect you to," she giggled.

He had wanted her to spend the night with him, but she had resisted.

Before anyone could decipher their coded conversation, Swaylo stole a quick bite from her neck.

"Boy you better move..." she squealed.

With the music blasting from the stereo system the twenty-minute drive was made in virtual silence.

When Charmaine was exiting the car, she tossed a comment at Shonda that was meant for Swaylo...

"Thank you girl, I'll sure be glad when I can get my car fixed; especially when I'm not the only one driving it."

"Put an address on that junk mail conversation..."

"You already know the address: Swaylo Georgia, Check yourself street! Do you need that info again before I leave?"

Shonda and Pluto began laughing as Swaylo tried to grab at Charmaine.

She danced away and blew them all a parting kiss.

"I'll call you if I need a ride." She called out

After Shonda drove from the parking lot her gaze went to Pluto, through the rearview mirror.

They were about an hour away from the countdown.

The window in which they had to secure a fourth person was rapidly dwindling and Swaylo was their only option.

It was time to lay their cards on the table...

"What have you been up to since you've been free?" Pluto questioned.

Swaylo gave a shrug of his shoulders.

"Nothing major, just trying to keep my nose clean..."

"I can respect that, but don't you think that it's time to link up with a winning team?"

"Not really, because I don't operate too well on other people's teams. I need my own crew, you know..."

"Yeah. But what would you say if I told you that I've got a way to make a quick hundred thousand in cash... Not tomorrow, not next week, but today? Right now. This morning, actually..."

Shonda pulled to a stop at an intersection and tried to read Swaylo's expression.

"I don't like to make spur-of-the-moment decisions like that. I need to know what's involved."

"What if I were to tell you that I had a blueprint laid out for a bank job, in which we can each walk away with no less than a hundred grand... Would you ride or freeze up?"

The question was posed like a challenge.

Swaylo smiled, knowing that Pluto was trying to bait him.

"I don't do no freezing under pressure, you know that."

"OK. Listen, this is what's going on... I need a fourth person to watch my back on this heist, because the fool who I'm in on the move with, can't be trusted not to double-cross me, once we grab the money."

Pluto went on to explain how they happened to get cornered into the situation.

Shonda provided him with any answers that Pluto didn't have.

"With everything that we've told you, would you be willing to drop everything; suit up, set up, and roll right now?"

Swaylo licked his lips in a hungry wolf grin.

"Is this some sort of test?" He asked.

Pluto shook his head with a somber look on his face.

"This isn't a game, homey. This is the real deal. My cousin works at the bank and she put together the whole blueprint. We just need someone solid who can help control any potential problems from the people in the bank."

Pluto tapped a hand to Swaylo's arm.

"That's where you come in the picture..."

"All you've got to do is drive and watch my little cousin's back, and I can guarantee you a hundred grand. I counted it up yesterday, so I know that it's there." Shonda added.

Swaylo stared out at traffic as they drove west on I-285.

With a genuine grin of excitement, etched upon his face, Swaylo made his position understood.

"For a hundred grand it doesn't matter what we need to do, I'm in..."

Pluto gave a whoop of excitement and hugged Swaylo tight.

" Damn bruh, I was hoping you would hold me down. These fools got us by the short and curlies family... I can't hold 'em off by myself. But together we can see our share of this paper!"

Pluto turned to his cousin.

"Take us to Broderick's place, so we can suit up, then I'll give Swaylo a walkthrough on the route we use for our escape. I'll meet you at your apartment, so we can break the news to Kenny."

"Don't sleep on Kenny either... He's not the Belview Boogie man but he's known for putting knuckle-heads to bed. Permanently."

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