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that are betray'd

 do feel the treason sharply, 

yet the traitor stands in worse case of woe."

 - William Shakespeare.

Xy, Marty, Mc, and Jane stop for a bit in a dessert part of lake shore not to far from the base of bones. Jane step down to the sport bike and put her bag in front of the boys, they look at each other thinking like what does Jane wants? she is the one who asked them stop but why? so she opened her bag and get something inside of it. It is some clothes casual clothes, Jane gave it to the boys as of confusion they didn't get the clothes.

"Here, take it." said Jane, annoyed.

"What is that?" asked Xy.

"It's a shirt and polo and pants." answered Jane.

"We know that but why are you giving us that?" asked Marty.

Jane look at the boys from head to toe, look so annoyed she rolled her eyes and give them a smirk, like she's smiling but not. Jane stand up and give the clothes to them.

"You need to change when we go down town people of Lake shore might recognized you, even your parents or relatives." said Jane.

The boys look confused. They are wearing helmets so why is she concerned about being seeing? They just look at the clothes and say nothing, Xy simply remove his coat and polo to change. Jane's eyes wide open she also blushed.

"Are you kidding me?! go change somewhere else!" she shouted.

Xy, Marty, and Mc went to the back of a big rock to change there clothes, Xy is wearing a Black pants and stripe long sleeves and a leather shoes. Marty is wearing a white pants and a black polo shirt and a black leather shoes, and Mc is wearing a gray pants and a white shirt and a rubber shoes. Jane look at them smiling, look at this boys now they grown as a fine young man.

"You guys look great." said Jane.

"I don't know, I think Marty and I need to exchange our outfits." said Xy.

"You know as a not so looking guy your so demanding." said Jane, annoyed.

"Uhm, I don't think so mine is okay, it really fits me well." said Marty.

"Oh come on, why do we need to change? I like the suit, it gives me extra looks." said Xy.

"I like mine too, I always look cute though, so no problem to me ." said Mc. 

"Okay stop, I don't care whether you boys want exchange clothes or not, all I care about is that we must hide our identity, no one should recognize us okay? this is Leto's plan." said Jane.

Jane open the other zipper on her bag the smaller one and get something inside of it, she pulled a small plastic bag with four mask three black mask and one white, Jane give the three black mask to the boys and she wears the white one. The boys look at the mask like what is this for, they look at Jane and before they could even ask something.

"okay okay, you guys are wondering why we need to put mask even though we are wearing helmets already, well the moment we need to rest or eat we will remove our helmets that's why we have this mask, Leto gave this to us so we can hide our identity." said Jane.

"You know for a small girl your very talkative." said Xy.

"What did you say?" asked Jane, completely annoyed.

Marty and Mc squeeze Xy's mouth again before he said anything more insults to Jane.

"I think we better go now." said Mc.

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